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The covid-19 vaccine has got a new hope for the human race. Nevertheless, knowing who can take and who shouldn’t take is important as all the vaccines are in the early phase. This holds very much important if you are a pregnant woman or a nursing mother. Here are the facts about covid-19 and pregnancy.
Currently, there are mixed responses and studies about the safety of covid-19 vaccines for pregnancy. Although the emerging evidence says that generally, vaccines are effective and safe there’s practically no information as to if it’s true or not.
At times, the globe’s regulatory groups have issued conflicting guidance about covid-19 vaccines and pregnancy. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that vaccinations must be kept available for pregnant but also said that the decision to go for them or not depends on soon-to-be parents and doctors treating them.
Keeping aside all these, the Apex institution for health-the World Health Organisation (WHO) suggested pregnant women not go for vaccine unless direly needed. And again, the NHS’s advice in the UK says there is no proof that these vaccines are unsafe for carrying women. It also concluded that there is a need for more evidence before it can be administered.
So, in all these contradictory sayings the best bet on this is to consider your health condition, your general medical history, and apart from all to guess properly if there is a real need for you to go for the vaccine or not. All such things should be assessed by your doctor who is the ultimate person to say if you need it or not.
All the studies till now have either been animal-based or based on humans other than pregnancy carrying ones. To better know the risks of the covid-19 vaccine on pregnant women we need to wait as studies on this particular group of women are still underway. However, below are the findings from the latest studies available.
Side effects can take place after getting either of the 2 available COVID-19 vaccines, importantly after the 2nd dose. These side effects aren’t supposed to be something dissimilar for pregnant persons than for non-pregnant persons. Pregnant persons who come across fever after vaccination could be counseled to have acetaminophen as the fever has been linked with dangerous pregnancy results. Acetaminophen can be given as an alternative for pregnant persons going through other post-vaccination signs as well.
A few people have gone through allergic reactions after getting the vaccine. CDC suggests that all vaccine beneficiaries, including pregnant people, should discuss with their healthcare givers if they have a history of a major allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) to any other kind of vaccine or injectable therapies (e.g., intramuscular, intravenous, or subcutaneous).
Major considerations to inform these discussions consist of the undetermined risks of developing a serious allergic reaction and the advantages of vaccination.
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There is no information on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in breast-feeding women or on the impacts of mRNA vaccines on the breastfed children or milk excretion/ production. mRNA vaccines are not considered to be a danger to the nursing infant. People who are nursing and are part of a group suggested to get a COVID-19 vaccine, such as healthcare staff, can prefer to be vaccinated.
Till now Covid-19 vaccine and pregnancy aren’t properly studied and so being more careful is the need of the hour. If you have decided to go for the vaccine ensure you speak to your family doctor.