Utkarsh Hospital, Nadiad
Devarsh Nana Kumbhnath Road, Nadiad, Gujarat - 387001
- 5 Specialities
- Arthroscopy
- Homeopathy
- Joint Replacement Surgery
- Orthopedics & Traumatology
- Physiotherapy
- Pharmacy
- Knee joint replacement and hip joint replacement surgeries.
- Absolutely new operation theatre, exclusively for joint replacement surgery.
- Lamellar Air flow system in this joint replacement operation theatre provides bacteria free atmosphere
- Renewed operation theatre for fracture and orthopedic care with ITTV facility for key hole surgery of long bone fractures
- Latest pneumatic drilling and saw system of Synthes, Switzerland which is useful for precise result in joint replacement surgery and in fracture care
- New horizontal autoclave system for sterilizing the operative equipments in addition to existing autoclaves
- Surgical I.C.U. and Central Oxygen Supply
- Well equipped physiotherapy department
- A.C. Deluxe and Special rooms
- Facility for cashless Insurance and reimbursement
- Homeopathic treatment for allergy, skin diseases, chronic cold and cough, bedwetting, warts and several chronic diseases