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Sudden weight loss and loss of appetite are symptoms of underlying conditions. The medical condition may be non-serious like general infection or gastric disorders or may be serious such as cancer or liver disorder. Loss of appetite may lead to sudden weight loss. The primary treatment for sudden weight loss and loss of appetite is to identify and treat their causes.
Sudden weight loss is related to loss of appetite. Loss of appetite is one of the contributory factors for sudden weight loss. Loss of appetite may be due to various reasons.
Sudden weight loss is also known as unintentional weight loss. It is different from intentional weight loss in which the person, in order to maintain his physique, is on a weight management regimen that includes exercise and diet management. Following are some of the causes of sudden weight loss:
An underactive or overactive thyroid may result in sudden and unintentional weight loss. Other symptoms due to thyroid disorder are prolonged fatigue and poor temperature control.
Inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease are diseases that may cause sudden weight loss. Inflammatory bowel disease drains energy from the body leading to weight loss. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease which may lead to damage of intestine.
Psychological conditions such as depression affect that particular part which is responsible for appetite control. Further other conditions such stress causes weight loss by draining energy and releasing chemicals.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory condition that enhances the rate of metabolism resulting in sudden weight loss.
Diabetes, particularly type 1 diabetes may lead to unexplained weight loss.
Inflammation of the inner heart lining may lead to increased metabolism and increased energy production. This may cause sudden weight loss.
Other causes for sudden weight loss include Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease, tuberculosis, cancer, Addison’s disease, congestive heart failure and muscle loss of varying etiologies.
The causes of loss of appetite and tiredness are different in children and adults. Following are some of the common causes of loss of appetite:
Infection due to virus and bacteria may result in loss of appetite.
The person may lose his appetite because of serious psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety.
Medications, such as some antibiotics and codeine may also lead to loss of appetite.
Medical disorders such as liver disease, kidney disease, dementia, hypothyroidism, and HIV may cause loss of appetite.
Hormonal imbalances lead to significant changes in the physiology of organs and lead to loss of appetite.
Loss of appetite may also experience by pregnant women.
The treatment for sudden weight loss is initiated though diagnosing its causes. The treatment should be customized according to the patient and is aimed to reduce the risk factors. Following are some of the treatment options:
Balance diet with a high amount of protein to make up for the muscle loss helps in improving the weight. Patients should be encouraged to consume some food between breakfast and lunch to provide a regular supply of energy to the body.
Through exercise and sufficient amount of protein in the diet or through supplementation, the process of muscle synthesis is at a rapid rate. Studies indicate that proper nutrition with exercise may help improve weight.
Certain medications may initiate weight loss. Either these medications may be stopped with the advice of the doctor or the doctor may be requested to provide any substitute for such medications.
When used in combination with nutrition, megestrol acetate helps in improving the weight in adults.
Sudden weight loss is also due to the underlying disease condition. Managing these conditions results in increased weight.
Studies have indicated that improving the smell as well as the taste of the food may help increase appetite.
Appetite stimulants are the substance that helps increase appetite. Marisol and dronabinol may be used as appetite stimulants.
Although corticosteroids are used to reduce inflammation, low-dose corticosteroids are known to have appetite stimulant property.
various exercise regiments may help increase the secretion of appetite hormone.
Changing eating habits may help in increasing appetite. The patient should not take a large meal at a time rather a small meal at small intervals.
The patient has a low appetite due to a variety of health disorders. These conditions should be managed through effective treatment and will help in improving appetite.