Sri Kanchi Matam Hospital, Tirupati
Sri Mahapaduka Mandapam Ramakrishna Marg, Vinayakanagar Quarters, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh - 517501
- 3 Specialities
- Dentistry
- ENT (Otolaryngology)
- Ophthalmology
- Out patient clinic
- Consultation by qualified and well experienced allopathic doctors.
- Well stocked computerized dispensary manned by qualified Pharmacists
- Diagnostic Facilities-Well-set clinical Lab ,E.C.G
- Injectables administered using disposable syringe
- For asthmatic patients,equipments like nebulizer /oxygen units are available and frequently used by the well trained and qualified nursing staff under the guidance of the doctors
- LV Fluids Facility(i.e Normal Saline,Dextrose,Ringer’s Lactate etc.,)available for the needy
- Dental Clinic
- Scaling
- Filling
- Extraction of tooth and Such other well needed procedures
- Ophthalmology Clinic
- Vision testing /Prescribing Glasses
- Investigation for cataract /Glaucoma Surgeries.
- Slit lamp Bio - Microscopic examination, Fundus Scopy,Tonometry ,Colour Blindness test
- Treatment for all eye ailments etc
- Mobile Medicare