Sahakarana Hrudayalaya Super Speciality Cardiac Centre, Kannur
Pariyaram Medical College P.O, Kannur, Kerala - 670503
- 6 Specialities
- Cardiac Anesthesia
- Cardiology
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Cardiovascular Surgery
- Interventional Cardiology
- Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
- 24 Hour Emergency Heart Care Services
- 24 Hour Emergency Primary Angioplasties
- Advanced Digital Cardiac Catheterization X 2 units
- Coronary Angiography, Angioplasty, Pacemaker implantation, Valvuloplasty, Closure Devices, Implantable defibrillators, Peripheral angioplasty, Embolisation procedures etc
- Colour Doppler, ECHO, TMT
- Holter monitoring, Pacemaker Analysis
- Adult and Paediatric Cardiac Surgery like Bypass Surgery, Valve replacement, Valve repair, Repair of ASD, VSD, PDA
- 4 Operation Theatres
- 20 bedded ICCU with multi-channel monitors
- 15 bedded Post-operative ward with all ultra modern facilities