Reviews on Asian Institute of Medical SciencesFaridabad
By thistesa - 12/03/2015
Dr Manava Manchanda killed social activist Yohesh Sharma only for money. Read whole story behind it- Yogesh Sharma was admitted with complaints of mild...
Read MoreDr Manava Manchanda killed social activist Yohesh Sharma only for money. Read whole story behind it- Yogesh Sharma was admitted with complaints of mild fever and cough in Asian Hospital, sector 21, Faridabad at around 11:50 p.m. on Feb 26, 2015 and his treatment started after Dr. Manav Manchanda paid him visit the next morning at 11:00 a.m. Yogesh's sample for swine flu test was taken at 11:30 p.m. on Feb 27, 2015. He was diagnosed with swine flu at 7:00 p.m. on Feb 28. The next day 1st March being a sunday Dr. Manav Manchanda didn't come in the morning and Yogesh was put on the ventilator under his guidance by the other doctor present there. The family was told that he will come at 4:00 p.m. The family and the critical patient waited for 3 long hours but Dr. Manchanda came at 7:00 p.m. The very same day ie 1st March in the evening Dr. Manav Manchanda asked to shift the patient to Max hospital for more advanced support which is equipped with ECMO(used to treat swine flu patients). Dr. Manav informed them that he has talked to "Director Critical Care Services" at Max Hospital and a highly specialised ambulance is coming from Max Hospital to transfer Yogesh Sharma, while actually Max emergency services were not even informed and hence actually no ambulance from Max Hospital Saket was dispatched. Dr. Manav Manchanda kept lying to the family for 6 critical hours about the ambulance being on the way. Relatives were told that charges for this ambulance will be Rs. 50000/- as it is a highly specialised ambulance and the money has to be deposited before patient is transferred. The Max hospital's ambulance charges, Rs. 45/- per kilometre and an additional sum of Rs. 5000 in the presence of doctor ,when inquired about the charges later, it seems that the hospitals actions were a gimmick to make thousands of rupees playing with the human life. Another 1 hour was wasted as the hospital staff wanted to remove the clothes which the critical patient was wearing and replace them with the patient's own clothes but then they later settled for a sum of Rs. 500 for their hospitals clothes, asking for changing the clothes of a patient on ventilator is not only insensitive, inhumane but murderous as it created confusion and further delay. Hospital failed to transfer Yogesh to Max Hospital on time, even in an emergency situation. It took them six hours to call the ambulance and to do the paper work. The hospital took so much time to shift Yogesh that when the ambulance finally came after 6 hours, Yogesh sharma passed away during the transfer process. The ambulance which eventually turned up neither had any of these facilities nor was it from Max Hospital. On arrival of the ambulance they asked for a sum of Rs 50,000 which was offered to them via credit card initially but which they refused to take it and demanded cash which led to more delay. Now the most crucial question arises that why did the hospital provide a third party local ambulance when they claim on their website about having four ambulances with ventilators in it. This is criminal negligence which resulted in the death of our patient. This creates more doubt about the functioning of this Hospital. It seems there is a nexus between the hospitals managment's which points out towards the negligence in compliance of respective duties. The hospital needs to answer the following: Even after the diagnosis of swine flu on 28th February knowing that they lacked the equipments to handle his case, why did they hide this fact from the family and gave assurance that they will cure the patient. Dr Manav Manchanda too knew the fact that they lacked equipments yet knowing this fact they kept Yogesh on ventilator! The manner in which this Hospital works requires investigation. In the first place if the hospital is not equipped to handle H1N1 cases and Respiratory disease cases, why they inform midway through the treatment that the patient needs to be shifted to other hospital. What except from greed for money is the sole cause that is making them do this? The manner in which goons or bouncers are kept on the payroll of hospital should be throughly investigated. I felt unfortunate that Hospital is shrinking away from its social responsibility and have grossly engaged in making money and while doing this, failing in its duty of providing treatment to their patients. Human Life should not be taken for a ride. Isn't there any sort of established protocol to be followed by the Hospital? Eventually, treatment delayed is treatment denied! We want justice and request take an appropriate steps towards it. Please support by sign up for petition here-
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