Prakash Dental Hospital, Haldwani
Nainital, Rampur Road, Haldwani, Uttarakhand - 263139
- 1 Speciality
- Dentistry
- Sterilization, infection control
- Cleaning of instruments
- Surface Disinfection
- Auto Clave
- Sterilized Packages in U.V. chamber
- Diagnostics Equipments
- Digital X-rays Machine ( IOPA )
- Digital X-rays Machine reduces exposure to radiation by 75% which is healthy for patient6 and operators
- Digitals OPGs (Ortho Penta GramsOPG's gives radiographic view of completes oral and facial hard tissues that is boon for dentist for diagnostic purpose.
- RVGs (Radio Visual Graph)
- Dental Implants
- Dentsply XIVE implants systems
- Dentsply XIVE implants systems is a world class implants systems which give lifetime warranty all over the globe
- Endodontia (Root Canal Treatment)
- Dentsply (X) Smart
- Prosthetic (Artificial Tooth)
- Flexible Payment Plans
- Patient comforts