Narang Eye Institute, Model Town
B8 Derawal Nagar, Near Double Petrol Pump, Ring Road, Model Town, Delhi, Delhi - 110009
- 2 Specialities
- Ophthalmology
- Pediatric Ophthalmology
- Refractive Vision Correction
- Contact Lenses
- Lasik Laser Surgery
- C Lasik Laser Surgery
- Aspheric Lasik Laser Surgery
- Implantable Contact Lens (ICL)
- Keratoconous Treatment
- C3R
- Retina Treatment
- Medical Retina
- Retina Detachment Surgery
- Advanced Vitreo-Retinal Surgery
- Diabetic Retinopathy
- Age Related Macular Degeneration
- Cataract Treatment
- Micro Phaco with Normal Foldable Lens
- Micro Phaco with Aspheric Foldable Lens
- Micro Phaco with Toric Foldable Lens
- Micro Phaco with Multifocal Foldable Lens
- Glaucoma Treatment
- Oculoplasty Surgery
- Navex C-Lasik NIDEK
- SOCT-Spectral optical coherence tomography Machine
- AMO signature Micro Phacoemulsification System
- Oculus Pentacam HR
- Worlds Top End Microscope of Eye Surgical Procedures - Lieca LM 820 Microscope
- Vitrectomy Unit
- Fundus Camera Canon (FFA)
- Double Frequency Green Laser
- Automated Computerized Perimeter
- Operating Microscope with CC.TV
- White Star Phacoemulsification System – AMO Compact
- Cardiac Monitor and Defibrillator
- Pulse Oximeter / Ambubag
- Boyles Appratus
- A-Scan & B-Scan
- Suction Machine
- Operation Theatre Dehumidifier
- Nd-Yag Laser
- Bio-Meter
- Slit Lamp
- Auto Refractometer
- Keratometer
- Synaptophore
- Close Circuit Surveillance System
- Indirect Ophthalmoscope
- Direct Ophthalmoscope
- Retinoscope
- Autoclaves
- Public announcement system
- ETO sterilizer
- Dehumiditifier