Mr. Kamal Sharma Audiologist and Speech Therapist in Guwahati

Mr. Kamal Sharma

Audiologist and Speech Therapist, Guwahati


  • 11 Years Experience


Speech and language problem may occur due to any reason so its better to visit any Rehabilitation professional,who can give you perfect pathway for your kids.
If your kids born without any problem,still visit any Rehabilitation centre because prevention is better then cured.
Speech language Pathologist who usually work with childs speech alongs with Behavior problem of the kids which is impaired the childs language.but to decrease the undesirable behavior of childs there should be team members of Rehabilitation professional which will help your kids in there perspective way.
  • Languages : Hindi, Assamese, Nepali, Bangla, English


Speech Therapist, Private Practice, Guwahati March, 2015 -  February, 2016


  • Audiology and Speech Therapy

Practice Information
