L&T Andheri Health Center, Mumbai
Suren Rd, Gundavali, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400093
- 66 Specialities
- Accident & Emergency
- Addiction Medicine
- Adolescent Medicine
- Aesthetic Dermatology
- Allergic Disorders
- Allergy
- Andrology
- Anesthesiology
- Arthritis
- Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery
- Burns surgery
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Cardiovascular Diabetology
- Cervical Spondylosis
- Chest Physician
- Clinical Genetics
- Clinical Oncology
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Clinical Psychology
- Cosmetic Dermatology
- Counselling
- Dentistry
- Diabetology
- Endocrine Surgery
- Endoscopic, Head & Neck Surgery
- ENT (Otolaryngology)
- ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
- Epidemiology
- Family Medicine
- Gastroenterology
- Gastrology
- General & Laparoscopic Surgery
- Gynaecological Endoscopy
- Gyneac Oncology
- Head and Neck Surgical Oncology
- Hemato Oncology
- Hip Replacement Surgery
- Internal Medicine
- Interventional Cardiology
- Interventional Neuroradiology
- Interventional Neurosurgery
- Interventional Pulmonology
- Interventional Radiology
- IVF & Infertility
- Knee Surgery
- Micro Surgery
- Naturopathy
- Palliative Care
- Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Pediatric Critical Care
- Pediatric ENT
- Pediatric gastroenterology
- Pediatric Gastroenterology & Hepatology
- Pediatric Intensive Care
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physiology
- Physiotherapy
- Post Natal Care
- Psychology
- Sexual Medicine
- Sleep Medicine
- Spine and Joint Replacement
- Spine Related Disorders
- Surgical Gastroenterology
- Transplant surgery
- Trauma Surgery