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If the thought of acupuncture being painful is the only thing that’s stopping you from booking your first appointment, you should know that there’s nothing to worry about.
It’s a common misconception that the process of inserting needles into your skin can feel painful or uncomfortable, but with the proper technique, the treatment shouldn’t hurt.
If your previous visits to the doctor have made you stay away from needles, rest assured that acupuncture needles are finer than medical ones. So you shouldn’t feel any pain once they’re inserted into your body.
There may be times when you can experience minor bleeding, but it’s no cause for panic because it’s a common occurrence and it’s just due to the needles puncturing your skin. Once the needles hit your acupuncture points, you may feel a slight tingling sensation that can last throughout your session.
Depending on where the needles are positioned, you may also feel heaviness, muscle relaxation, or warmth in your hands and feet.
Although acupuncture isn’t meant to hurt, there may be cases where you can feel pain in sensitive areas like your feet. If this happens, you should tell your acupuncturist immediately so they can adjust the needle placements.
But feeling a dull pain, throbbing, or heavy sensation can also be a good thing because it means your energy points are being activated. This feeling is called the ‘chi sensation’, and the level of discomfort can vary depending on your pain tolerance. This response should only be short-lived, but if it persists it’s best to inform your practitioner straight away.
When applied improperly, there may be instances when acupuncture can hurt since your practitioner can insert the needles deeper than they’re supposed to or use too much force. The size of the needles can also play a part since you will feel thicker needles go into your skin. That’s why it’s important to only go to a qualified and experienced acupuncturist to get proper treatment.
But sometimes the pain can also be caused by your body, especially when you’re sleep-deprived, hungry, or dehydrated. To prevent this, it’s recommended not to strain your body excessively the day before your acupuncture appointment to ensure you’re well-rested and well-fed.
Even if you feel pain during your acupuncture session, it’s rare to develop any side effects after. But if you do, they’re usually mild and temporary but it’s still good to know what they are.
Some of these side effects are soreness and bruising in the area where the needles were inserted, but they should go away after a few days. Other symptoms include drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. If you feel one or more of these effects after your treatment, it’s a sign that you’re body is exhausted so you should take it easy and rest for a couple of days.
Acupuncture can be used for lessening your symptoms and treating several ailments, but it can be startling when you feel your condition worsen after your acupuncture session. This is no cause for alarm because it’s just your body adjusting to your energy being activated, especially when you’ve had your symptoms for a while.
Chinese traditional medicine believes that some illnesses are caused by stagnant energy, by inserting needles at the correct points in your body can stimulate its flow again. That’s why your symptoms can flare up after your session, but it will start to feel better after a few days.
But if you’re worried about feeling more pain after treatments, it’s best to check with your doctor to prevent your symptoms from worsening.
If you’re experiencing side effects after your acupuncture treatment, it’s vital to let your body rest for the following days. If you have any sore areas from the needles, applying a hot compress will help alleviate the pain.
It’s also important to drink plenty of water to help flush out any toxins that are in your body. Eating healthy and balanced meals that are packed with fiber and antioxidants can also help your body recuperate and give you a boost of energy.
Avoid doing any exercises a few days after your treatment, but if you must, keep it light and short to prevent straining your body.
Now that you know that acupuncture isn’t meant to be painful, trying your first session shouldn’t be as daunting as before. Lycoming Orthopedic & Sports Acupuncture has licensed and experienced acupuncturists that will make sure you can get the best treatment to alleviate your pain and symptoms. If you’re interested to know more about our services, give us a call today to book your first consultation!