Dr. Vishwambhar Singh
ENT Surgeon, Varanasi
- 16 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Cochlear implant, paediatric and other hearing losses.
- Oral and head neck cancers.
- Tinnitus, vertigo, facial palsy.
- Languages : English, Hindi, Bhojpuri
Junior, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, varanasi June, 2009 - June, 2012
Senior, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi July, 2012 - August, 2014
Senior, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, varanasi August, 2014 - Present
ENT (Otolaryngology)
Accident & Emergency
Aesthetic Dermatology
Allergic Disorders
Audiology and Speech Therapy
Cancer Chemotherapy
Cardiac Rehab Yoga
Cervical Spondylosis
Endoscopic, Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Head and Neck Surgical Oncology
Maxillofacial Surgery
- Tympanoplasty
- Mastoid surgeries
- Septoplasty
- Polypectomy
- Endoscopic nasal surgery
- Tracheostomy
- Microlaryngeal surgery
- Excision of pre auricular sinus, Branchial cyst / sinus, Thyroglossal cyst / sinus and submandibularglandsialolith,ranula
- Diagnostic procedures- Nasal endoscopy, flexible nasopharyngoscopy, flexible and rigid Laryngoscopy and biopsy
- Nasal and Mandibular fracture repair
- Foreign body removal nasal, aural and esophageal
- Cut throat repair
- Culdwell Luc’s procedure.(dentigerous cyst etc)
- Neck node biopsy
- Mandibular cyst,admentinoma,reconstruction plating etc.
- Emergency and trauma surgery
- Tonsillectomy
- Maxillary and tripod fracture
- Hemiglossectomy
- Stapedotomy
- Facial nerve decompression
- Lateral rhinotomy
- Maxilectomy
- Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
- Endonasaldacrocystorhinostomy
- Parotidectomy
- Thyroidectomy
- Laryngectomy
- Thyroplasty
- Bronchoscopy
- Neck dissection
Practice Information
The Institute Of Medical Sciences (IMS-BHU), Varanasi
Aurobindo Colony, Banaras Hindu University Campus, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh - 221005
Achievements & Contributions
- THESIS - “Audiometric profile in cases of tinnitus in patients with intact Tympanic membraneâ€
- Published papers on 1. Singh V: Assessment OfSensorineural Hearing Loss: A Review. Asian journal of modern and ayurvedicmedicine , 1(1):1-4,01/07/2012. url.http://www.ajmams.com/viewpaper.aspx?pcode=6ce15e7a-ce35-4977-8029-f78fe0bee7fa.ISSN 2279-0772[ONLINE].
- Singh V, Kumar S: Allergic Rhinitis : A Review, National Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery,vol 1(10) num 2:aug 2013. www.ent-journal.com. ISSN 2320-6578. E-ISSN 2321-4740.
- Singh V, Tiwari K M:KarnavratPratyaropanEkVigyanicPragati.ANVIKSHIKJOURNAL(HINDI),7(3):may –june 2013. www.anvikshikijournal.com. GISI Impact factor 0.2310. ISSN 0973-9777.
- Singh V: Use of Local Gentamicin for Wound Healing In Mastoid Abscess.Asian journal of modern and ayurvedicmedicine , 2(1):1-7,01/01/2013. url. http://www.ajmams.com/viewpaper.aspx?pcode=6bf5d01f-0dc2-44c0-b4db-1f30e3743002. ISSN 2279-0772[ONLINE].
- Sinha B K, Singh V, Kumar A, Tiwari K M: Ectopic Ascaris in Maxillary Ostium. Bihar and Jharkhand Journal of Otolaryngology, vol 33,no 1: March 2013. Official publication of the association of otolaryngologist of India Bihar & Jharkhand State Branches
- Singh V, Sinha B K:Deafness in India: Revisited. Bihar and Jharkhand Journal of Otolaryngology, vol 33, no 2: September 2013.. Official publication of the association of otolaryngologist of India Bihar & Jharkhand State Branches.
- Chandra Kant, Singh V, Choudhary R K, Tiwari K M:An infant with cut throat: A Case Report. Online Journal of Otolaryngology vol 3,issue 4,2013. urlhttp://www.jorl.net/index.php/jorl/article/view/168 . ISSN 22500359.
- Singh V, Tiwari K M: An update of rhinosinusitis. Online journal of otolaryngology vol 4,issue 1,2014.http://jorl.net/index.php/jorl/article/view/197/pdf_39. ISSN 2250-0359.
- Singh V: Non- otological causes of Tinnitus. The Southeast Asian Journal of Case Report and Review.SEAJCRR. 2013; 2(6): 539-549.http://www.scopemed.org/fulltextpdf.php?mno=153399ISSN ONLINE: 2319-1090.
- Singh V, Sareen A: Noise induced hearing loss a review. Online journal of otolaryngology vol 4,issue 2, 2014. http://jorl.net/index.php/jorl/article/view/noise_hearingloss/pdf_55. ISSN 2250-0359.
- Singh V: Historical overview of tinnitus. National Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, Vol. 2(11) No. 1, April 2014, 1-4.http://www.ent-journal.com/april2014_editorial_article.pdf. ISSN 2320-6578. E-ISSN 2321-4740.
- Singh V, Gurjar T. Approach to patient of rhinitis using aria guidelinesquestionnaire: NMO Journal Vol.-8, No.-2, May–August 2014. 29-32.http://www.nmojournal.com/vol8no2/16.pdf.ISSN No (Print): 2348-3806.
- Papers under review 1. We can hear “INDIAâ€. 3. Extra esophageal manifestations of GERD. 4. New born hearing screening: Present scenario.
- Management and care of long term tracheostomy in pediatric age group (poster) awarded 1st prize in AOICON B& J 2013
- Association of Otorhinolaryngology (AOI) India
- AOI, Bihar& Jharkhand
- Indian Society of Otology
- AOI, Ranchi.A AOI Varanasi
- All India Rhinology Society
- Laryngology and Voice Association
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