Dr. Vishal Porwall Homeopathy Doctor in Indore

Dr. Vishal Porwall

Homeopathy Doctor, Indore


  • 27 Years Experience
  • 1 Hospital
  • Languages : English, Hindi


  • Homeopathy

  • Allergic Disorders

  • Arthritis

  • Cervical Spondylosis

  • Dermatology (Skin)

  • Piles

  • Psoriasis

  • Rheumatic Disorders

  • Spine Related Disorders


  • Pain Management


HomoeopathyArC deals with almost all type chronic diseases. Our HomoeopathyArC specialty formulation for various types of therapies are found efficient in removing prolong illness or incurable diseases.

Choose HomoeopathyArC   Respiratory   Allergy   Therapy  for treatment of Dust  Allergy causing Sneezing, Dry Cough or Breathlessness ( Dyspnoea ), Bronchial Asthma, Allergic Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder ( COPD ), Sinusitis, 
Pharyngitis, Recurrent  Tonsillitis & recurrent Throat infections.

Select HomoeopathyArC   Rheumatism   Therapy for treatment of Rheumatoid  Arthritis, Osteo  Arthritis, Gout, Cervical Spondylosis, Sciatica, Slip Disc  or  Prolapsed Vertebral Disc, Lumbago or  Backache, Calcium deficiency ( Osteoporosis ), Muscular Cramps.

Go for HomoeopathyArC Braino Therapy for treatment of Parkinson’s  Disease, Meniere’s  Disease, Insomnia, Vertigo, Numbness, Ataxia, Paralysis, Hemiplegia or Hemiparesis, Paraplegia or Monoplegia, Bell's palysy or Facial paralysis, Bulbar Palsy or Aphasia.

Opt for HomoeopathyArC Psycho Therapy for treatment of Lack of Concentration, Memory Weakness, Deep mortification, Brooding, Schizophrenia, Autism, Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ( OCD ), Paranoid Syndrome,  Suicidal disposition.

Choose HomoeopathyArC Digesto Therapy  for treatment of Recurrent  Apthae ( Stomatitis ), Indigestion, Hyper  Acidity, Gastric Ulcer, Lack of appetite ( Anorexia ), Constipation, Amoebic Dysentery, Inflammatory Bowel Disease  (IBD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS ).

Prefer  HomoeopathyArC Liver Care Therapy for treatment of Jaundice, Cirrhosis of Liver

Select HomoeopathyArC Skin Therapy & Beauty Care for treatment of Acne - Pimples, Warts & Moles, Black  spot  ( Melasma ), Urticaria, Leucoderma, Eczema, Psoriasis,  Lipoma, Keloids. 

Go for HomoeopathyArC Kids Care Therapy for treatment of Delayed Dentition troubles, Bed wetting ( Nocturnal Enuresis ), Stammering, Lisping, Lack of Growth, Lack of Appetite, Worm troubles in Stomach, Habit of eating indigestible things ex: chalk, clay.Habit of thumb sucking.

Opt for HomoeopathyArC Migraino Therapy for treatment of Migraine, Chronic Headache.

Prefer  HomoeopathyArC Piles Therapy for treatment of Haemorrhoids  ( Bleeding or non bleeding Piles ), Fissure, Fistula in Ano. 


DHMS, 1998, HHMC, Bhopal, Bhopal, India

Practice Information

HomoeopathyArC, Indore

HomoeopathyArC, Indore

45, Mahavir Nagar, Near Tilak Nagar, Opposite Satya Sai Blood Bank, Kanadia Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh - 452018


11:00 AM - 02:00 PM & 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Achievements & Contributions

  • Academic Award :-He was awarded Gold medal by Mr. B.R.Yadav  &  Mr. S. N. Sharma, Hon'ble Minister, Govt. of M.P.  on 10 April 1998, at Bhopal for attaining  merit position in the final year DHMS examination.
  • Social Award:- Recipient of  Utkrist Chikitsa Ratna Award 2007 -2008 For prompt services in Prevention of Chikunguninea at Indore Region.Awarded by Dr.Sharad Pandit, CMHO Indore Region & Mr. Ramesh Mendola, President B.J.P City Division