Dr. Vipin Kumar Tyagi
Urologist, Delhi
- 1 Hospital
Robotic Surgery
Kidney Transplantation
Uro Oncology
- Endourology
- Robotic Surgery
- Renal Transplantation
- Urology Cancer Surgery
- Laparoscopic Urology
- Reconstructive Urology
- Laser Prostactomy
- Lithotripsy
- Kidney Stone Treatment
MBBS, King George Medical College, Lucknow
MS in General Surgery, M G M Medical College, Indore
DNB in Urology, Sir Gangaram Hospital, Delhi
Practice Information
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH), Delhi
Rajinder Nagar, Delhi, Delhi - 110060
Achievements & Contributions
- Awards, Gold medal in DNB
- Awards, Best paper award in Indian Society of Organ Transplantation 2011 & in Asian Congress of Urology 2012.
- Paper Publication, A study to evaluate the effect of ratio of donor kidney weight to recipient body weight on renal graft function. Tyagi V, Dar TI, Pahwa M, Chada S, Jauhari H, Sharma N. Urol Ann. 2014 Apr
- Paper Publication, Robotic assisted excision of retrovesicalangiomyxoma in a male patient. Tyagi V, Dar TI, Durani AM, Chada S. J Minim Access Surg. 2014 Apr
- Paper Publication, Postpercutaneousnephrolithotomynephrostogram: is it mandatory? A single center experience. Tyagi VK, Khawaja AR, Dar TI, Sharma AK, Bashir F, Bazaz MS. Adv Urol.
- Paper Publication, Horseshoe kidney with complete unilateral duplication of ureter and pelvicalyceal system--a case report. Tyagi V, Dar TI, Khawaja AR, Chadha S. Urol J. 2014 Jan
- Paper Publication, Live donor kidney transplantation in India: effects of donor and recipient age on graft survival. Tyagi V,Pahwa M, Chawla A, Dar TI, Saifee Y, Pahwa AR, Chadha S, Jauhari H. Ren Fail. 2014 Mar
- Paper Publication, Primary renal lymphoma: is prognosis really that bad? Pahwa M, Gupta N, Tyagi V, Chadha S. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2013 Jul
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