Dr. Vineet Kwatra Pediatrician & Neonatologist in Gurgaon

Dr. Vineet Kwatra

Pediatrician & Neonatologist, Gurgaon


  • 18 Years Experience
  • 1 Hospital


  • Dr. Vineet Kwatra Sr. Consultant, International Hospital of Bahrain
  • NICU In-charge, Orthonova Hospital
  • Sr. Resident, Neonatology, Fortis La Femme, Fortis Hospital, New Delhi
  • Dr. Vineet Kwatra has special interest & inclination towards the Neonatology and holds expertise in newborn care. With an overall experience of 12 years in Pediatrics and Neonatology
  • Dr. Kwatra has been have been working on very low birth babies, 28 -30 weeks babies with problems related to them and their management
  • Dr. Kwatra also hold expertise in pediatrics allergy and respiratory problems
  • He has utilized his 11 years of experience in handling tertiary neonatal intensive care, to develop the department of neonatology at various hospital


  • Pediatrics & Neonatology



  • MBBS, Marathwada University
  • PG, Pediatrics, JJ Medical College

Practice Information

Healthy Steps Pediatrics, Gurgaon

Healthy Steps Pediatrics, Gurgaon

Plot number 200, Basement, Opp.Alpine Convent, Block B, Sector 56, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122011

Achievements & Contributions

  • Indian academy of paediatrics
  • National neonatology forum