Dr. Vikram Mehta
Ophthalmologist, Mumbai
- Dr. Vikram Mehta is a Consultant at Kenia Eye & Dental Hospital, Mumbai
- Vitreo-retinal surgeon
- Sutureless retinal surgeries
- Macular surgeries
- Diabetic retinal surgeries & Retinal detachment surgeries
- MBBS from Seth G.S.Medical College and K.E.M. Hospital, Mumbai University in Oct 2001
- FCPS (Ophthalmology) from College of Physicians & Surgeons, Mumbai in Sep 2005
- DOMS from College of Physicians & Surgeons, Mumbai in Oct 2005
- DNB (Ophthalmology) in 2006
- MS (Ophthalmology)from Mumbai University, L.T.M. Medical College & L.T.M. General Hospital, Mumbai in Jan 2006
- Fellow Retina Foundation Ahmedabad (Dr P. N. Nagpal, Dr Manish Nagpal) for trained in the subspecialty of retina and vitreous (2 years)
- International fellowship in Vitreoretina (FICO) from Paris, France under Professor Coscas and Professor Soubrane in 2008
Practice Information
Kenia Eye & Dental Hospital, Mumbai
1st Floor, Rizvi Nagar, Near Sarang Restaurant, S.V.Road, Corner of Milan Subway, Next to Milan Mall, Santacruz (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400054
Achievements & Contributions
- Participated in a clinical trial on the efficacy of Levofloxacin (0.5%) ophthalmic solution in the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis conducted at the Department of Ophthalmology of L.T.M. Medical College & L.T.M. General Hospital, Mumbai in 2005
- Subinvestigator in Macugen trial (EOP 1013) for Diabetic macular edema in 2007
- Subinvestigator in the VIEW 2 study - VEGF Trap for Wet Age related macular degeneration in 2008
- Conference
- Video Assisted Skill Transfer (VAST) -Combined penetrating keratoplasty and pars plana vitrectomy using temporary keratoprosthesis. Vitreoretinal Society of India ( VRSI) - Raichak 04-06 December, 2008
- Video- Combined Vitrectomy and Keratoplasty for complex cases- All India Ophthalmic Society, Annual conference, Jaipur in Feb 2009
- Certificate of Appreciation from Speaker, Lok Sabha for contribution in Unique Arogya Mela organized by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Greater Mumbai Muncipal Corporation & Indian Medical Association at Dharavi, Mumbai in March 2003
- PublicationsPublication -Surgical CNVM removal in the era of anti-VEGF agents- Nagpal M, Nagpal K, Mehta V. Indian J Ophthalmol 2009;57:146-8
- Publication- Surgical Treatment of Juxtapapillary Retinal Hemangioma. Nagpal PN, Mehta V, Nagpal K, Nagpal M. RETINA. 29(7):1054-1055, July/August 2009. RETINA The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases
- Publication-Suprachoroidal Haemorrhage- crisis management handbook- Rajasthan ophthalmic society in Nov 2006
- Publication-Combined keratoplasty with pars plana vitrectomy using temporary keratoprosthesis- Andhra Pradesh ophthalmic society journal in Sep 2007
- PapersPaper-Short term safety and efficacy of intravitreal Bevacizumab (Avastin) for choroidal neovascular membranes-Bombay ophthalmic association annual conference in Sep 2006
- Poster-Outcome of surgical intervention in eyes with coexisting vitreoretinal and corneal disease-Gujarat ophthalmic society annual conference in Oct 2007
- Poster-23 Guage vitrectomy,Our initial experience with 49 consecutive cases-Maharashtra ophthalmic society annual conference in Oct 2007
- Paper-Management of giant retinal tears with vitrectomy, use of PFCL, 360 degrees barrage endolaser photocoagulation and silicone oil tamponade-Rajasthan ophthalmic society annual conference in Nov 2006
- Paper- Diabetic vitrectomy-What to expect? 3 year audit of indications, complications and outcomes- Rajasthan ophthalmic society annual conference Iin Nov 2007
- Paper-Combined Penetrating Keratoplasty (PK) and Pars Plana Vitrectomy (PPV) for Endophthalmitis with Corneal abscess- All India Ophthalmic Society, Annual conference, Banglore Jan 2008
- Paper- Outcomes of combined cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation and vitrectomy for intraocular foreign body removal- Gujarat ophthalmic society annual conference-October 2008
- Paper-Co-author- Outcomes of retinectomies 1800 or more in eyes with advanced proliferative vitreoretinopathy. VRSI annual meet December 2008 Raichak West Bengal
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