Dr. Vikram Kamath Neurologist in Bangalore

Dr. Vikram Kamath

Neurologist, Bangalore


  • 16 Years Experience
  • 2 Hospitals


  • Senior consultant has vast experience in the field of Neurology
  • Proficient in treating patients with stroke and Demyelinating diseases
  • Started his career as a Senior Resident in Neurology at NIMHANS, Bangalore
  • Later, joined the St. John’s Medical College Hospital, as an Assistant Professor in Neurology
  • Three years later, went on to become the Associate Professor in Neurology, in the same Hospital


  • Neurology


  • Stroke
  • Demyelinating diseases
  • Neuroinfections


  • MBBS, MD

Practice Information

Trustwell Hospitals, Bangalore

Trustwell Hospitals, Bangalore

# 5 , Chandrika Towers, JC Road, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560002

Apollo Hospitals, Bannerghatta Road

Apollo Hospitals, Bannerghatta Road

154/11, Opp, I.I.M, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560076

Achievements & Contributions

  • Autonomic dysfunction in Wilson’s disease-a clinical and electrophysiological study. S Meenakshi-Sundaram, A.B.Taly, V.Kamath, G.R.Arunodaya, S.Rao and H.S.Swamy. Clinical Autonomic Research (2002) 12:185-189
  • Phenobarbitone induced gingival hyperplasia-case report. S.Sinha, V.Kamath, A.B.Taly, G.R.Arunodaya. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (2002) 73: 601-602
  • Functional MR imaging of hand motor cortex in a case of persistent mirror movement. P.N.Jayakumar, J.M.E.Kavoor, S.G.Srikanth, A.B.Taly, V.Kamath. Neurology India (2003) 51: 94-97
  • Acute Painful Peripheral Neuropathy due to Metronidazole. G R K Sarma, V. Kamath Neurology India (June 2005) Vol. 53: pp. 372-373
  • Remitting-relapsing Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE). Case description and mini-review. V Kamath, A B Taly, S Sinha et al. Ann Ind Acad Neurology (2005) 8:101-104
  • A case of Parkinsonism worsened by losartan: a probable new adverse effect. Authors: G R K Sarma, Vikram Kamath, Thomas Mathew, A K Roy. Movement disorders (June 2008) 23(7):1055
  • Subdural hematoma, subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracerebral parenchymal hemorrhage secondary to Cerebral Sinovenous Thrombosis: A rare combination. Thomas Mathew, G.R.K Sarma, Vikram Kamath, A.K. Roy. Neurology India. (Jan 2007) 55(4):438-9.
  • Thesis on Dysautonomias in spinal cord disorders: clinical and electrophysiological profile (submitted to NIMHANS in partial fulfillment for the award of D.M. degree in Neurology)
  • Life member of Indian Academy of Neurology (IAN)
  • Neurological Society of India (NSI) 
  • Bangalore Neurological Society (BNS)