Dr. Vijay Sundar Ilangovan
Neuro Oncologist, Chennai
MBBS, MS (Gen Surgery), MRCS (Edin), MCh Neurosurgery
- 11 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
Neuro Oncology
Neuro Ophthalmology
Spine Surgery
Acoustic Neuroma Removal
Anterior Cervical Herniated Disc Surgery
Brain Biopsy
Brain Radiation Treatment
Brain Surgery
- More
Acoustic Neuroma
Arthritis of the Spine
Arthropathy of Spinal Facet Joint
Brain and Nervous System Cancer
Brain Cancer
- More
- Brain surgery
- Spine surgery
- Brain tumor excision
- Neuronavigation
- Intraoperative neuromonitoring
- Glioma surgery
- Meningioma surgery
- Metastatectomyendoscopic pitutary surgery
Practice Information
Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai
No:38, Sardar Patel Road, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600036
Achievements & Contributions
- Changing paradigms in the surgical management of brainstem gliomas. Lessons learnt from Prof Nagpal’s paper published in 1983. KVR Ratha V, Sundar IV, Sampath N Neurology india 67, 20-36
- Epidural tramadol via intraoperatively placed catheter as a standalone analgesic after spinal fusion procedure: An analysis of efficacy and cost
- 15 publications in indexed journals with 71 citations
- Executive committee member of neurological surgeons society of india
- Associate member of faculty of surgical trainers [UK]
- Member of Neurological society of india
- Member of Tamilnadu association of neurosurgeons
- Member of indian society of Neurooncology
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