Dr. Vijay S. Palwe
Radiation Oncologist, Nashik
Radiation Oncology
- Head and neck cancers
- Breast cancers and gyaenacological cancers
- Brachytherapy (Head & Neck, Breast, Soft tissue Sarcoma, Cervix, Vault)
- Intra Luminal RT for Ca Oesophagus
- High precision Conformal Radiotherapy
- Palliative Care
- MBBS from Grant Medical college, Sir J.J.Group of Hospitals, Mumbai, (MUHS) (Sep 1998 – Mar 2003)
- MD from Radiotherapy Tata Memorial Hospital,Parel, Mumbai, (MUHS) (June 2006 – June 2009)
- Certificate course in Clinical Research Methodology in 2007
- Certificate course in Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Practice Information
Achievements & Contributions
- 4th Annual Radiotherapy practicum on ‘Brachytherapy techniques and clinical application’, TMH, Mumbai, 2006
- Clinical research and methodology course, Mumbai,2007
- 5th Annual Radiotherapy practicum on ‘Quality assurance in high precision radiotherapy’ 2007, Mumbai
- 28th International Clinical Hyperthermia Society annual convection , Mumbai, 2007
- 30th Annual conference of AROI, Mumbai, 2008
- 6th TMH-WCI Conference on Prevention and Early detection of common cancers in women, Mumbai, 2008
- All Evidence Based Management meetings from 2006 to 2009 at TMH, Mumbai
- 7th TMH-WCI Conference on Prevention and Earlydetection of common cancers in women, Mumbai,2009
- Attended and Presented for Best Paper in 31ST Annual conference of AROI- AROICON 2009 at Hyderabad, INDIA
- Multinational Association of Supportive care in cancer( MASCC) and International society of Oral Oncology(ISOO) annual meeting 2010 at Vancouver, Canada (24-26 June 2010)
- Working as Sub investigator for various clinical trials
- ICH GCP Training received at various IMs and SIVs
- MASCC/ISOO Travel scholarship for annual meeting2010 at Vancouver, Canada (June 2010)
- Best Paper session: Prospective subjective evaluation of swallowing dysfunction in Head & Neck cancers patients receiving definitive Radiotherapy’ at AROICON 2009 at Hyderabad, INDIA
- Poster Presentation at MASCC annual meeting 2010 at Vancouver, Canada (June 2010) on “Objective assessment of swallowing function in Head and neck cancer patients receiving chemoradiation
- “Prospective subjective evaluation of swallowing dysfunction in Head & Neck cancers patients receiving definitive Radiotherapy” –Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics (J Cancer Res Ther - Jan-Mar 2010 – Vol 6 -Issue 1,pg.15-21 ) Abstract published in J Cancer Res Ther Nov 2009
- “Objective assessment of swallowing function in Head & Neck cancers patients receiving definitive Radiotherapy’-Abstract published in supplement of “Supportive Care in Cancer ” MASCC Journal June 2010
- “Metastatic implantation of head and neck squamous cell cancer at PEG tube site exit – An Unusual Relapse Site: A case report and review of literature”- International Journal of Head and Neck Surgery January-April 2011
- “Objective assessment of swallowing function after definitive (chemo)radiotherapy in patients with head and neck cancer” Dysphagia- Vol 26, No.1, Mar 2011
- Life member Association of Radiation Oncologists of India (AROI). (LM no-1067)
- Life member Maharashtra chapter of Association ofRadiation Oncologists of India (AROI)
- Member of Multinational Association of Supportive care in cancer( MASCC) and International society of Oral Oncology(ISOO)
- Member-in-Training of American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO)
- MASCC/ISOO Membership scholarship 2010
- MASCC/ISOO Membership scholarship 2011
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