Dr.V.D. Krishnaram
Psychiatrist, Madurai
MBBS, DPM, MNAMS (Psych), MD (Psych)
- Director & chief psychiatrist, RAM clinic & Psychiatry Institute(Unit I)& Ram Psychiatry Hospital
- More than 30 years of experience in the field of psychiatry
- Served as professor of psychiatry in chengalpattu Medical college and opted for voluntary Retirement in December 1996 of superannuation by January 2004
- Served as teacher for the both under graduate and post graduate students for more than two decades.
- M.B.B.S., - University of Madras. Dec. 1968
- D.P.M. – Madurai Kamaraj University. Oct. 1974
- MNAMS (Psych) Oct. 1979
- M.D. (Psych), - Madurai Kamaraj University.
Practice Information
Ram Psychiatry Hospital, Madurai
338-A, Anna Nagar , Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625020
Achievements & Contributions
- Contributed research articles in the area of suicide child Psychiatry and Drug abuse in Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology. Proceeding of 21st Annual Conference of I.P.S. Proceedings of 40th Tamilnadu State Medical Conference and proceedings of the Transcultural Psychiatry Meet.
- Dr. T. Thirugnanam Otation Award – 1985 – 86. “Behaviour Disorders in Children” – causes and Management, IMA. Tamil Nadu State Branch.
- Certificate of Honour in recognition of Excellent performance in Organisational of Educational Activities during the year 1987-88. IMACGP, IMA, New Delhi.
- D.M.A.C.G.P., distinguished service award in recognition of mepitorious service rendered during the years 1987 – 88 and 1989 – 90. I.M.A.C.G.P., I.M.A., New Delhi.
- Venkoba Rao. A., and Krishnaram. V.D., Child Guidance Clinic, A report. Souvenir Mid Term Conference, Tamil Nadu State Branch of Indian Academy of Paediatrics, Madurai, June 1977.
- Rawlin Chinniah. R., Ranganathan. P.S., Venkoba Rao. A. and Krishnaram. V.D., - A personality Study of STD Patients – Indian J. Clinic Psychol. 1978, 5, 37.
- Rawlin Chinniah.R., Venkoba Rao. A., Ramachandran. K., and Krishnaram. V.D., - Aspiration levels in Psychoneurotics and Schizophrenics – Indian J. Clinic Psychol. 1981, 815.
- Suicidal Intent, hospitality and Medical Lethality in Suicide attempters. Thesis submitted for M.D., Degree Psychiatry, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, March 1981.
- Depression how to manage – Strategies in Medical Practice – Proceedings of 40th Tamil Nadu State Medical Conference – 16th November 1986.
- Clientele of a Religious healer – An analysis of two hundred cases – V.D. Krishnaram and Nammalvar Dec. 1986. Transcultural Psychiatry Conference.
- Mentally abnormal offenders – A study of 15 convicts of murder’ - Proceedings of 21st Annual Conference of I.P.S., South Zone, Trichirapalli – October 1988.
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