Dr. Umesh Gopal Joshi
ENT Surgeon, Kolhapur
- Full time Consultant - E.N.T Surgeon at Aadhar Hospital, Kolhapur
ENT (Otolaryngology)
- MBBS from Govt. Medical College, Miraj
- Diploma in Oto-Rhino from Laryngology University of Poona
- Master of Surgery - E.N.T (Oto-Rhino-Laryngology) from Govt. Medical College, Miraj
Practice Information
Aster Aadhar Hospital, Kolhapur
R. S. No. 628, B Ward, Near KMT Workshop, Near Shastri Nagar, Kolhapur, Maharashtra - 416012
Achievements & Contributions
- ISOCON-2005, 14th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Otology held at Chowdaiah Memorial Hall, Vyalikaval, Bangalore from 18th - 20th November,2005
- 36th Maharashtra state E.N.T. conference organized by Deccan Branch of A.O.I. & The Federation of Maharashtra State Branches of A.O.I. held on 16th & 17th October, 2004
- Dr.D.K.Gosavi Memorial Preconference C.M.E. in Otolaryngology organized by Deccan Branch of A.O.I. held at Mahabaleshwar on 15th Oct,2004
- Workshop on "Temporal bone dissection & ear surgeries by Dr.ShabbirIndorewala" organized by Association of Otolaryngologists of Kolhapur, held on 5th & 6th Oct,2002 - Kolhapur
- 54th Annual conference of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India held at Bangalore, from 10th to 13th January,2002
- FESS Workshop organized by Association of Otolaryngologists of Kolhapur held on 6th & 7th Oct, 2001 at Dr.D.Y.Patil Medical College, Kolhapur
- "Septo - Rhinoplasty Surgery Course" organized by Basavanagudi E.N.T. Care Centre, Bangalore from 18th - 20th February, 2000
- Foundation course in "Cadaver Sinus Dissection and Live Endoscopic Sinus Surgery held on January 22nd to 23rd, 2000 organized by The Association of Otolaryngologists of India,and Nova ENT Hospital - Hyderabad
- Life member of "The Association of Otolaryngologists of India" since December, 1999. Membership no. LM842
- Life member - Indian Medical Association
- Life member - Association of Otologist of India
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