Dr. Tushar Deepak Borde
Neurosurgeon, Pune
MCh Neurosuergery NIMHANS bangalore
- 16 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Languages : Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, English
Senior Resident, NIMHANS, Bangalore August, 2012 - Present
Lecturer Neurosurgery, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune July, 2016 - Present
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Dr DY patil hospital and research centre, Pune - Currently working here
Neuro Oncology
Vascular Surgery
Acoustic Neuroma Removal
Anterior Cervical Herniated Disc Surgery
Brain Aneurysm Repair
Brain Biopsy
Brain Surgery
- More
Acoustic Neuroma
Acquired Brain Injuries
Arteriovenous Malformation
Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) Brain
- More
Skullbase and vascular neurosurgery(skullbase tumours,aneurysm,AVMs,trigeminal neuralgia),Endoscopic skullbase surgery(pituatory tumours),Neurooncology(Brain tumours),spine surgery(disc,canal stenosis,fracture,tumours,infections)Education
MS Surgery, 2011, Seth G S Medical college and Kem Hospital Mumbai, Mumbai, india
MBBS , 2005, Rural Medical college Loni, loni ahmednagar, india
MCh Neurosurgery, 2015, NIMHANS Bangalore, Bangalore, india
Practice Information
Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Center, Pune
Near Mhatre Bridge, Erandawne, Pune, Maharashtra - 411004
Achievements & Contributions
- BOOK CHAPTER Borde Tushar Deepak.Presigmoid retrolabyrinthine approach – Surgical considerations, ACNS Surgical manual,2nd edition 2017;141-154
- Tushar D Borde, Prasad C, ArimappamaganA,Srinivas D, Somanna S Incidence of Deep Venous Thrombosis in Patients Undergoing Elective Neurosurgery: A Prospective Cohort Based Study, NeurolIndia 2017;65:787-93 DOI 10.4103/neurolindia.NI_1237_15
- Co Editor - ACNS Surgical Manual 2nd edition 2017
- Incidence of Deep Venous thrombosis in patients undergoing elective neurosurgery;MCNS 2017
- Gender differnces in stroke: IGM congress 2017 japan
- Management of Vertebral artery PICA junction aneurysm with trapping and OA PICA bypass: ICCVS 2017
- AO spine
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