Dr. Tarun Sharma Endoscopic, Head & Neck Surgeon in Faridabad

Dr. Tarun Sharma

Endoscopic, Head & Neck Surgeon, Faridabad

Fellowship in clinical Neuro-oncology at university of Toronto (Canada)

  • 1 Hospital
  • 26 Years Experience


Dr Tarun Sharma Contact Number, best Neuro and Spine Surgeon in Faridabad, Marengo Asia Hospitals.He is recognised in handling complex brain and spine surgeries Dr. Sharma has received advanced training and has years of experience in the treatment of brain tumors, spinal deformity corrections, and minimally invasive neurosurgeries. All his new age techniques and patient-centric approach have helped him take a position as one of the best neuro and spine surgeons in India. Dr Sharma is also devoted to the development of neurosurgery and to this end he has contributed a number of publications in prestigious medical journals. His dedication to highest level of care in neurology and spinal services sets the standards at Marengo Asia hospitals. 


  • Endoscopic, Head & Neck Surgery

  • Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery


Kyphoscoliosis correction , Neuro and Spine Surgeon

Practice Information

Marengo Asia Hospital, Faridabad

Marengo Asia Hospital, Faridabad

Plot No. 1, Sector 16, Faridabad, Haryana - 121002

Achievements & Contributions

  • Calvarial Lymphoma
  • Bifrontal extradural hematoma a rare complication of VP shunt surgery; Child’s Nervous System2013,14(6)900-902,
  • Ruptured giant aneurysm with totally avascular angiogram case report and review of literature; Neurology India; 2013;61(4) 310-31
  • Post traumatic occipito – cervical pseudomeningocoele without any bony injury – Clinical neurology and neurosurgery ; 2014,120, 20-22
  • Unusual case of type 2 Arnold chiari malformation Child’s Nervous System 2014;82,820-22
  • He is the first neurosurgeon in the Faridabad region to implement the technique of Awake Craniotomy for resection of brain tumors