Dr. Tapobrata De Interventional Cardiologist in Kolkata

Dr. Tapobrata De

Interventional Cardiologist, Kolkata


  • 15 Years Experience
  • 4 Hospitals
  • 2 Private Practices


Dr Tapobrata De is an interventional cardiologist practicing at Kolkata. He completed his MBBS from NRS Medical college, Kolkata in 2010 and MD from Topiwala National Medical College, Mumbai in 2015. He completed his DM cardiology from R.G. Kar medical college. Presently he is attached to Charnock Hospital, North City hospital, Dafodil Hospital as a leading interventional cardiologist. His areas of interest include  cardiac interventions like complex angioplasty, pacemaker implantation, balloon mitral valvuloplasty, device closure for congenital heart disease,etc.

  • Languages : English, Hindi, Bengali


  • Interventional Cardiology

  • Cardiology


  • Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring

  • Angiography

  • Angioplasty

  • Angioplasty With Stent Placement

  • Atrial Flutter


Complex cardiac interventions 


DM Cardiology, R.G. Kar Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata, India

Practice Information

Charnock Hospital, Kolkata

Charnock Hospital, Kolkata

BMC195, Teghoria, Biswa Bangla Sarani, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700157

Daffodil Hospital, Kolkata

Daffodil Hospital, Kolkata

276, Canal Street, Lake Town, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700048

North City Hospital, Kolkata

North City Hospital, Kolkata

73, Hudco Crossing Ultadanga, Bagmari Road, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700054

Apex General Hospital, Kolkata

Apex General Hospital, Kolkata

H/1-16, Sachindralal Sarani, VIP Road, Joramandir, Baguiati, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700059

Private Practice Information

Millenium diagnostic centre and poly clinic

Millenium diagnostic centre and poly clinic

Binapani Apartment,2073, Krishnanagar Rd Noapara, Barasat , kolkata - 700124


04:00 PM - 06:00 PM


12:00 PM - 02:00 PM

  • (+91) 9831571605, (+91) 9833709796
Nidaan polyclinic and diagnostic centre

Nidaan polyclinic and diagnostic centre

Swapno Neer Apartment, Naipukur, Old Rajarhat, Landmark : Opposite Rajarhat Police Station, Rajarhat, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700135


10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

  • (+91) 9833709796

Achievements & Contributions

  • 3 year dissertation (2016-2019) conducted on 100 patients with title “Study of clinical, electrocardiographic and other non-invasive predictors of significant  left main or triple vessel disease in patients  with non-ST segment elevation acute  coronary syndrome”.  The dissertation was accepted and recognized by West Bengal university of Health Sciences
  • 3 year dissertation (2012-2015) conducted on over 400 children with title “A hospital based prospective observational study to assess pattern of prescription practices and outcome of pediatric patients presenting with acute diarrhea in a tertiary care center.” The dissertation was accepted and recognized by Maharashtra university of Health Sciences. It was also published in Pubmed indexed journal ( J Clin DiagnRes. 2016;10:SC01–SC05) in 2016.
  • Presentation  in Cardiological Scociety of India (CSI) 70th  National Annual Conference, at    Mumbai, held on 22-25th November 2018. Title of the poster: “Evaluation of role of N-terminal pro BNP in acute coronary syndrome with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction with special reference of coronary arteries involved
  • Presentation as first author in Cardiological Scociety of India (CSI) 69th National Annual Conference, at Kolkata held between 30th November and 3rd December 2017. Title of abstract: “Profile of patients with tricuspid valve disease in tertiary care centre”.
  • Presentation as first author in Cardiological Scociety of India (CSI) 69th National Annual Conference, at Kolkata held between 30th November and 3rd December 2017.Title of abstract: “Early non-invasive predictors of significant left main or triple vessel disease in patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome”
  • Poster presentation at PEDICON 2015 (52nd National conference of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics) held at New Delhi.  Title: “Primary tuberculous osteomyelitis of skull- a rare presentation”.
  • Poster presentation at PEDICON 2015 (52nd National conference of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics) held at New Delhi. Title: “Gaucher disease: A rare case report”