Dr. Syed Ameer Basha Paspala Neurosurgeon in Hyderabad

Dr. Syed Ameer Basha Paspala

Neurosurgeon, Hyderabad


  • 28 Years Experience
  • 2 Hospitals


Dr. Syed Ameer Basha Paspala is an eminent neurosurgeon of Hyderabad who has a fund of experience in the field. Dr. Syed Ameer Basha is working in Hyderabad as a Senior Consultant at the Care Hospital in Banjara Hills. He is a member of the Neurological Society of India and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, USA.

Dr. Syed Ameer Basha is a Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon with exceptional knowledge in the field of Neurosciences, who has earned the reputation of being one of the best in the field. He completed his medical schooling from the Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool and went on to do his M.Ch - Neuro Surgery from the Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad.

Dr. Syed Ameer Basha Paspala has tremendous expertise and experience in performing skull base surgery, Neurovascular surgery, Epilepsy surgery, and Neural Transplantation. He has also done a lot of Surgical research in these fields for which he has won kudos.


Neurosurgeon, Care Hospitals, Hyderabad - Currently working here

Professor and Head (Neurosurgery), Deccan College of Medical Sciences, OWAISI Hospital & Research Centre, Hyderabad 1997 -  2006

Senior Resident (Neurosurgery), Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad 1994 -  1997

Jr Resident (Neurosurgery), Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad 1992 -  1993

Intern, Govt. General Hospital, Kurnool 1990 -  1991


  • Neurosurgery

  • Neurology


  • Epilepsy Surgery

  • Skull Base Surgery



  • MBBS from Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool
  • M.Ch (Neurosurgery) from Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad
  • Ph.D (Bio Technology - Fetal Neural Stem Cells) from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad

Practice Information

Care Hospitals, Nampally

Care Hospitals, Nampally

Exhibition Grounds Road, Nampally, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500001


09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Care Hospitals, Banjara Hills

Care Hospitals, Banjara Hills

Road No.1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500001

Achievements & Contributions

  • University Fourth Rank with 141/150 marks in the common medical entrance test (Sree Venkateshwara University1984-85) to get into MBBS course
  • Second rank in the highly competitive NIMS PG entrance examination for M.Ch (Neurosugery) course
  • Prasad VSSV, Ameer Basha P, Prasad BCM and Raja Reddy D. Intraspinal tumor presenting as hydrocephalus in childhood. Child’s Nervous System, 1994; 10:156-157
  • Ameer Basha P, Sundaram C, Purohit AK and Dinakar. Exclusive CNS involvement by lymphomatoid granulomatosis in a 12-year-old boy — a case report. Surgical Neurology, 1999; 51 (3):258-260
  • Murthy JMK, Chowdary GVS, Murthy JMK, Ameer Basha PS, Jaishree TN. Decompressive craniectomy with clot evacuation in large hemispheric hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage. Neurocritical Care, 2005; 2:258-62
  • Chowdary GVS, Jaishree TN, Ameer Basha PS, Murthy TVRK, Murthy JMK. Anticoagulant related subdural hematoma in patients with mechanical heart. Neurology Asia, 2005; 10:13-9
  • Syed Ameer Basha Paspala, Murthy T V R K, Mahaboob V S, Habeeb M A. Pleuripotent stem cells – a review of the current status in neural regeneration. Neurology India, 2011; 59:558-65
  • Sandeep Vishwakarma, Syed Ameer Basha Paspala, Avinash Badla, Santosh K Tiwari, Aleem Ahmed Khan. Stem cells: Frontier in disease research and development. International Journal of Advancement in Research and Technology, 2013; ISSN 2278-7763
  • Neurosurgical Society of India (NSI)
  • Andhra Pradesh Neuro Scientists Association (APNSA)
  • Skull Base Society of India
  • Cerebro Vascular Surgical Society of India
  • Neurosurgical society of India (NSSI)
  • American Neural cell Transplantation Society
  • American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS)
  • Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS)
  • Walter E.Dandy Neurosurgical Society (WEDNS)