Dr. Swati Mohan Dermatologist in Faridabad

Dr. Swati Mohan

Dermatologist, Faridabad


  • 1 Hospital


Dr.Swati Mohan is familiar Dermatologist in Faridabad, with over 23 years of experience. She is associated with Fortis Hospital, NIT, Faridabad. Dr Swati has taken her medical degrees, MBBS & MD from Dayanand Medical College & Hospital. She is expertise in treating Dermatology, Verenology & Leprosy and had good experience of Laser in Dermatology.
  • Languages : English, Hindi, Punjabi


  • Dermatology (Skin)


  • Laser in Dermatology


  • MBBS
  • MD (Dermatology,Venerology & Leprology)

Practice Information

Fortis Escorts Hospital, Faridabad

Fortis Escorts Hospital, Faridabad

Neelam Bata Road, Faridabad, Haryana - 121001

Achievements & Contributions

  • IADVL (Delhi branch)M.C.S.TJoint Secretary 2007-2009 in national foundation of puls Etherpy.Secretary in national pulse foundation.Executive member of international symposium of pulse therapy held on 1 &2 sept in A.I.I.M.S