Dr. Swami Dass Mehta Dermatologist in Chandigarh

Dr. Swami Dass Mehta

Dermatologist, Chandigarh


  • 1 Hospital


  • Dermatology (Skin)

Practice Information

Dr. Mehta's Skin Clinic, Mohali

Dr. Mehta's Skin Clinic, Mohali

House Number 1093, Sas Nagar, Phase-V, Sector-59, Mohali, Chandigarh - 160055

Achievements & Contributions

  • "State Award" and "Commendation Certificate" by honorable Justice (Retd.), the Governor-cum-Administrator , U.T. Chandigarh on the occasion of Independence Day 15th August, 2004.
  • "State Award" and "Commendation Certificate" by Advisor to Administrator, U.T. Chandigarh on the occasion of Independence Day 15th August , 1993 in the field of Treatment of leprosy patients.