Dr. Suresh Kumar Bansal
Neurologist, Chandigarh
- 31 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Dr Bansal is a consulting Neurologist & Neuro Electro physiologist at Prakriti Brain & Nerve Research Centre, since 1994
- Worked on creating a digital online teaching plateform for MD MS aspirants in India & Overseas crating data base of thousands of fast learning medical notes, ppt. slides & more than 2 Lakhs MCQ, SAQ, False / True structured Questions – Answers on all 19 subjects of medical graduation
- Presently working on age management in aging population, an executive member of Indian Society of Age Management & Aging New Delhi; with immense interests in Cognitive & Behavioral Neurology
- Languages : Hindi, English, Punjabi
EEG (Electroencephalogram)
EMG (Electromyography)
Nerve Conduction Velocity
Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP)
Cervical Spondylitis
Chronic Headache
Facial Palsy
- More
- Motor Neuron Disease
- Movement disorder
- Ppanic fits
- Organic brain
- MBBS (1 Gold 4 Silver Medals) from D.M.C., Punjab University, Chandigarh (1967 - 1971)
- MD General Medicine from PGIMER, Chandigarh (1972 - 1975)
- DM Neurology from PGIMER, Chandigarh (1984 - 1985)
- ECFMG Certification, Pennsyl, USA 1974
- MAMS Part 1 National Board Exam N. Delhi, 1974
Practice Information
Prakriti Brain & Nerve Research Centre, Chandigarh
SCO 76, Ground Floor, Sector 8 C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh, Chandigarh - 160009
Achievements & Contributions
- Qualified 4 weeks specialized training program in Medical Statistics (1975) at PGIMER ,Chandigarh India
- Attended a week course (1987) of educational science at National Medical Teacher Training Centre, PGIMER - Chandigarh - India
- Attended 2nd National Workshop on Neuro-electrophysiology (1988) at Madras conducted by Dr B. T. Shahani (Masch Gen. Hosp., Boston - USA)
- Neuro-electrophysiology - Reaction Time in Human Motor Control System - in 1993 for 6 months with Prof Mark Hallet at NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
- Nominated Expert Member of Promotional Assessment Committee - 1992 by Central Government CSIO
- Actively involved in Departmental, Institutional and Indian Council of Medical Research projects, written chapters in books and have published / presented more than four dozen of research papers in national and international journals/ conferences
- Actively involved in prospective research projects like Central conduction defects in Fabry‟s disease, evoked potential studies in malnourished children and psychosocial evaluation in mentally handicapped persons
- Recognized off-campus Faculty Member by the American Academy of Family Physicians in 2005
- Member Sub-committee for recommendations of financial support to workshops, Symposia and CME of XIVth WCN of Trust for period up to 31.12.1996
- Awarded outstanding best in organizing the CME Program for Indian Medical Association, Panchkula, January 1993
- Worked as President IMA Panchkula (Haryana) for tenure of one year
- Chaired Scientific Session on "Neuromuscular Disorders" in Indian Academy of Neurology meet at Ranchi 1993
- Awarded WHO fellowship 1992-93 for 6months on subject of “Neuro electrophysiology”
- Nominated Expert Member of Promotional Assessment Committee - 1992 by Central Government CSIO Body, Chandigarh, INDIA
- Associate Editor “Neurology India”, the Official Journal of Neurology Society of India, 1991-94. (P.G.I)
- Member sub-committee for recommendation of financial support to research projects of XIVth World Congress of Neurology (India) Trust for the period 1991-93. (P.G.I)
- Chairperson, Scientific sessions 1991-92 of Panchkula (Haryana) Indian Medical Association. (P.G.I)
- Awarded outstanding work in public health and family welfare program for the year1980. (State Medical Health Services)
- Four Silver Medals in various subjects i.e. Physiology, Pathology, Ophthalmology & ENT. (M.B.B.S) Distinction in Physiology (M.B.B.S. Honors’)
- Presented four dozens of research papers in National & International Neuro Sciences Scientific meetings
- Ever since leaving PGI in 1994, I continue earning CME hours at the levels of IMA, National and International Conferences, contributing to medical scientific periodicals and appearing in online medscape, pub med, Medline examinations in general medicine and neurology
- Attended World Federation of Neurology at Sydney in 2005 Attended World Meet on Stroke In Cape Town in 2006
- Attended American Academy of Neurology Meet in Boston in April- May 2007
- Attending European Congress on Stroke in Hamburg Germany on 24-27th May 2011
- Attended Indian Academy of Neurology Meet at Pune INDIA in Sept 2011
- Attended workshop on Dementia at PGIMER Chandigarh INDIA Nov 2012
- Founder Life member of Indian Academy of Neurology
- Life member of Neurology Society of India
- Life member of India Medical Association
- Life member of Indian Epilepsy Society
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