Dr. Sunit C. Singhi
Pediatrician, Faridabad
Practice Information
Amrita Hospital, Faridabad
Mata Amritanandamayi Marg, Sector 88, Faridabad, Haryana - 121002
Achievements & Contributions
- Singhi S,Mathews J, Editors, CurrentPediatric Practice. Volume III, PEEPEE Publishers, Delhi, 2015: 1-140
- SinghiS. Basic Pediatric IntensiveCare, 4th Edition. PEEPEE Publishers, Delhi, 2014, pages 1-382.SunitSINGHI: Basic Pediatric IntensiveCare (3rd Edition) Peepee Publishers, New Delhi, 2009:1-318.Sunit SINGHI: Basic Pediatric intensive Care, 2nd edition,Peepee Publisher, Delhi,2007
- Singhi S,Mathews J, Editors, Current Pediatric Practice. Volume II,PEEPEE Publishers, Delhi,2013: 1-144
- Singhi S. Editor, PGIMERManagement Protocols in Emergency Medicine. IJP publications, 2015: 1-345
- Singhi S. CurrentPediatric Practice. PEEPEE Publishers, Delhi, 2013: 1-123
- Sunit Singhi,Editor, PGIMER Protocols On Respiratory Emergencies, IJP publications, 2012:1-133
- Sunit SINGHI,J S Surpure, Synopsis of Pediatric Emergency Care, (2nd Edition) Peepee Publishers, New Delhi, 2009:1-624
- Sunit SINGHI,Editor, Asian Pediatric Critical Care, Peepee Publishers, New Delhi, 2009:1-187
- SunitSINGHI, Section Editor,RogerÂ’s Text Book of PediatricIntensive Care, 5th Edition, Editor in Chief- Shafner, Wolters Kluver/ LipincottWilliams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, Baltimore, 2015
- Sunit SINGHI, SectionEditor, RogerÂ’s Text Book of Pediatric Intensive Care, 4th Edition, Editor in Chief- D. Nichols, Wolters Kluver/ LipincottWilliams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, Baltimore, 2007
- Sunit SINGHI. Section Editor- Section on PediatricIntensive Care In: IAP-text book of Pediatrics, Eds: Parthsarthy, MenonPSN, Nair MKC. Jaypee brothers, New Delhi; 1999. till now 4th edition, 2013
- Sunit SINGHI. Editor-Current Perspectives in Pediatric intensive Care, IAP- Intensive CareChapter, Chandigarh,2000
- Life member of Indian Academy of Pediatrics
- Life-Member Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine
- Life Member of National Neonatology Forum
- Life Member of I.A.P.- Endocrinology Chapter
- Life Member of I.A.P.- Pulmonology Chapter
- Life Member of I.A.P.- Infectious Diseases Chapter
- Member - New-York Academy of Sciences
- Member - Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), USA, since1995
- Member, National Academy of Medical Sciences (MNAMS) 1995
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