Dr. Sumita Saha Pediatrician & Neonatologist in Kolkata

Dr. Sumita Saha

Pediatrician & Neonatologist, Kolkata

MBBS (Gold Medalist), DCH (UK), MRCPCH (UK)

  • 1 Hospital


Dr. Saha has total 7 years experience of working in various institute in UK of which sha has done Neonatal medicine in three units in the UK  For two and half years- two of which are regional, tertiary, level 3 units.

 Although  Dr Saha's interest is Neonatology - she consider Paediatrics as her mother subject. In the UK, she has worked as a Paediatric senior house officer for 3 years and as a Paediatric registrar for 2 years including Community Paediatrics and Paediatric intensive care.

Dr Saha currently leading the Neonatal  unit of Fortis hospital  and woodland's multispecialty hospital and responsible for the training, teaching and recruitment of nurses and junior doctors, making and implementing departmental protocols, managing promotional and networking activities.

  • Languages : English, Bengali


  • Pediatrics & Neonatology

  • Neonatology

  • Pediatrics


Dr Saha is an expert in managing extremely premature neonates from 23 weeks onwards weighing less than 500 grams and is competent in all aspects of neonatal intensive care services like administering different respiratory support methods like Surfactant, nasal CPAP, different modes of invasive mechanical ventilation, high frequency oscillatory ventilation and Nitric Oxide, providing Cardiovascular support in the form of ionotropes with invasive blood pressure monitoring, pressors, iono-dilators and Prostaglandin for congenital duct-dependent lesions. She has also led numerous retrievals of extremely premature and unwell babies from peripheral centers – both in the UK and in Kolkata, India.

She also has practiced intensive neuro-protection strategies including active cooling, use of CFAM etc. she is confident to do all advanced neonatal procedures like complicated neonatal resuscitation, peripheral long line insertion, peripheral arterial line insertion, umbilical venous and arterial line insertion, putting chest drains etc. She is skilled to perform ultrasound scans of neonatal head and functional echocardiography of the neonatal heart and regularly does them on the NICU.


Medical degree, University of Calcutta

MRCPCH and DCH, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Practice Information

Fortis Hospitals, Kolkata

Fortis Hospitals, Kolkata

#730, EM Bypass Road, Anandapur, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700107

Achievements & Contributions

  • In Airedale, UK Dr Saha has conducted a researchproject on childhood urinary tract infection. The aim of the project was to find out appropriate radiologicalinvestigations following first culture positive urinary tract infection inchildren less than 5 years. The research was conducted in collaborationwith the regional Paediatric Nephrologist at St. James's hospital. It was presented in Airedale Research Conference, Northern Regional CallmanTraining Day and Yorkshire Paediatric Society&a
  • College Gold medal in ophthalmology                                               
  •  Scholarship for highest marks in General Surgery, ENT & Ophthalmology in university examination      
  • PUBLICATION  Saha(P) Sumita, Joss S, Hobson E. Nasopharyngeal teratoma associated with a complexcongenital cardiac anomaly. Case report. ClinicalDysmorphology  April 2007; 16(2) :113.  