Dr. Subodh kumar Anand Occupational Therapist in Chandigarh

Dr. Subodh kumar Anand

Occupational Therapist, Chandigarh


  • 18 Years Experience


Dr.  subodh kumar Anand is a consultant paediatric occupational Therapist with more than 8 years of clinical and guest lecturer experience in trcity(chandigarh,mohali and panchkula).
He did his Bachelor degree in National institute for locomotor disabilities(Divyangjan)kolkata,west bengal and master in occupational Therapy in paediatric from jaipur occupational therapy college and Hospital, Jaipur, Rajsthan.
DR.Subodh provide tretment plan for variety of disorder/disabilities including cerebral palsy,Autism,ADHD,Down syndrome, Intellectual disability, fine motoractivity, Hand injury, hand writing diffculities, Learning disability.
"To improve your quality of Life"
  • Languages : Hindi


  • Occupational Therapy

  • Pediatrics

Practice Information
