Dr. Sourav Guha
Clinical Oncologist, Siliguri
- 19 Years Experience
- 2 Hospitals
Dr. Sourav Guha is Consultant Clinical Oncologist associated with Medica Cancer Hospital, Rangapani in Siliguri (Darjeeling District) and Medica North Bengal Clinic, Siliguri.
- Languages : Bengali, Nepali, English, Hindi, Kannada
Senior Fellow, Tata Cancer Hospital
Fellow, HCG , Bangalore
Senior Registrar, Saroj Gupta Cancer Hospital, Thakurpukur, Kolkata
Consultant, BIMR, Gwalior, Gwalior
Clinical Oncology
Medical Oncology
Radiation Oncology
Palliative Care
Breast Brachytherapy
Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT)
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)
Bowel Cancer
Brain Cancer
Breast Cancer
Cervical Cancer
ENT Cancer
- More
- CNS tumors
- Head and neck cancer
- Breast cancer
- Gynaecology cancer
- Lung cancer
- IMRT, IGRT, Cyberknife
- Chemotherapy for solid tumors including Head and neck cancer, Breast cancer, Lung cancer, GI malignancies, CNS tumors, Lymphomas.
M.D., Manipal
Practice Information
Medica Cancer Hospital, Darjeeling
Near Siliguri, Rangapani, Darjeeling, West Bengal - 734434
Medica North Bengal Clinic, Siliguri
Meghnad Saha Sarani, Pradhan Nagar, Siliguri, West Bengal - 734003
Achievements & Contributions
- Safety and Efficacy of Recombinant Human Granulocyte colony Stimulating Factor (Religrast) in patients with chemotherapy induced neutropenia. Investigators meeting held at Mumbai, March 2009.
- Local investigators meetng for EGF105884 and EGF102988 held at Mumbai , April 2008.
- Awarded First Prize in Best Poster Presentation Category at Association of Radiation Oncologists of India, Annual Conference ,2012. Topic: Role Of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Carcinoma Cervix: Its role as an imaging biomarker.
- Selected and presented for best paper presentation sessions at Association of Radiation Oncologists of India, Annual Conference ,2011 and 2012.
- Selected and presented for best poster presentation sessions at European Society of Radiation Oncology Annual Conference 2013.
- Carotid Sparing Hypofractionated Tomotherapy In Early Glottic Cancers: Refining Image Guided IMRT to improve morbidity S Chatterjee,MRCP,FRCR, S Guha,MD, S Prasath,MSc, I Mallick,MD,DNB, R Achari,MD Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics (Sep-Oct 2013)
- Synchronous bilateral acinic cell carcinoma of the parotid. Letter to the Editor.; Sourav Guha, Rajdeep Guha, Kapila Manikanta, Rajeev Sharan, Arun P, Indranil Mallick and Sanjoy Chatterjee; Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy (2012); J Cancer Sci Ther 4:92-93.
- Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) in the Treatment of Squamous Carcinoma of the Oropharynx: An Overview Sourav Guha, Charles G Kelly, Rajdeep Guha, Rimpa Achari, Indranil Mallick, Vinidh Paleri, Alastair J Munro and Sanjoy Chatterjee; Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy(2012); J Cancer Sci Ther 4: 077-083.
- Comparitive analysis of dose variations in tumor volumes and organs at risk in IMRT for head and neck, pelvis and brain cancers with varying dose calculation grid sizes.Pathak P, Guha S.JCRT2014, 6:10.
- Improvement of EPID Image by introduction of indigeneously developed beam modifier; Rajesh R, Sourav Guha, Vidya Vitwekar, Shyamlal Debnath; Association of Medical Physics of India; Medical physics bulletin,Newsletter of Karnataka chapter,Volume3,Issue 2, July 14.
- Member of Association of Radiation Oncologist of India
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