Dr. Sheetal V. Sharda
Pediatrician, Surat
MBBS, MD (Pediatrics), DM (Medical Genetics)
MBBS, 1995, GMC, Surat, India
MD (Pediatrics), 1999, GMC, Surat, India
DM (Medical Genetics), 2007, SGPGI, Lucknow, India
Practice Information
SAACHI Children Hospital, Surat
Nr. Akashganga Appt, Kapadia Health Club Road, OFF Majura Gate, Sanskar Nagar, Athwa, Majura Gate, Surat, Gujarat - 395002
Achievements & Contributions
- To study thecorrelation of thrombophilic polymorphism of Factor V Leiden (FV R506Q),Prothrombin gene mutation (G20210A) and Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductasegene (MTHFR C677T) mutation studies with type of cerebral palsy in children.
- Best paper award for oral presentation on: “Glutathione-s–transferase polymorphism and response to cyclophosphamide therapy in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome” at 38th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Nephrology (ISNCON), 13-15th December 2007, New Delhi
- Awarded the FIRST PRIZE for poster presentation entitled “De novo segmental duplication of 15q, confirmed by chromosomal microarray and FISH, in a child with global developmental delay and facial dysmorphism” during the International Conference on Birth Defects 2014 & Symposium on Genetic Eye Diseases in Clinical Ophthalmology, Colombo, Sri Lanka; “Genes, Genome and Human Malformations” ; 9th – 11th February 2014
- G Sharma, SV Attri, B Behra, S Bhisikar, PKumar, M Tageja, S Sharda, P Singhi, S Singhi. Analysis of 26 aminoacids in human plasma by HPLC using AQC as derivatizing agent and itsapplication in metabolic laboratory. Amino Acids, 2014. Feb 14: 1-11.Impact factor 3.914
- Prasun P, Prasad N, Tripathi G, Jafar T, ShardaS, Gulati S, Agrawal S. Association of angiotensin-converting enzyme geneI/D polymorphism with steroid responsiveness in childhood nephrotic syndrome.Indian J Nephrol. 2011 Jan; 21(1):26-9
- Panigrahi I, Das RR, Sharda S, MarwahaRK, Khandelwal N. Response to zolendronic acid in children with type IIIosteogenesis imperfecta. J Bone Miner Metab. 2010 Jul; 28(4):451-5.
- Sharda SV, Gulati S, Tripathi G, Jafar T, Kumar A, Sharma RK, Agrawal S. Doglutathione-S-transferase polymorphisms influence response to intravenouscyclophosphamide therapy in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome? Pediatr Nephrol.2008 Nov; 23(11):2001-6
- Sharda S, Phadke SR. Uptake of invasive prenatal diagnostic tests in womenafter detection of soft markers for chromosomal abnormality on ultrasonographicevaluation. J Perinatol. 2007 Sep; 27(9):550-5
- ShardaS, Gilmour A, Harris V, Singh VP, Sinha N, Tewari S, Ramesh V, Agrawal S,Mastana S. Chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) deletion polymorphism in North Indianpatients with coronary artery disease. Int J Cardiol. 2008 Feb 29;124(2):254-8
- Girisha KM, Sharda SV, Phadke SR. Issuesin counseling for Down syndrome. Indian Pediatr. 2007 Feb; 44(2):131-3
- Bajpai A, Kabra M, Gupta N, Sharda S,Ghosh M. Intravenous pamidronate therapy in osteogenesis imperfecta: responseto treatment and factors influencing outcome. J Pediatr Orthop. 2007 Mar;27(2):225-7
- Dalal AB, Phadke SR, Pradhan M, Sharda S.Hemihyperplasia syndromes. Indian J Pediatr. 2006 Jul; 73(7):609-15
- Indian Academy of Pediatrics
- Genetics chapter of IAP
- American Society of Human Genetics
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