Dr. Sharad Patil
Ophthalmologist, Nashik
- He is one of the leading Phaco Surgeon in Nashik (M.S) India
- He has not restricted to anterior segment
- He equally expertised in various surgeries related to posterior segment, squint , DCR etc
- He has well equipped ophthalmology setup with Allegretto Lasik
- He has carved a niche for himself by establishing an organisation called Kalpataru Foundation in 2002, through which he has done yeoman service for the rural poor blind patients
- Secretary – Maharashtra Ophthalmic Society 2004-2005
- President – Nasik Ophthalmical Association 2005-2006
- Chairman – Kalpataru Foundation-2002
- He has done his graduation MBBS from Goverment Medical College, Nagpur, in 1980
- Postgraduation in ophthalmology from Medical College, in 1984
Practice Information
Susheel Eye Institute, Nashik
P-10, MIDC Satpur, Near P.F Office, Trimbak Road, Nashik, Maharashtra - 422007
Achievements & Contributions
- Intra-ocular pressure in diabetes mellitus. Desertation to Nagpur University 1984
- Non dominant hand phaco surgery surgical workshop BOA
- Non dominant hand phaco 2003 recent advances Delhi ophthalmogical society - 2004
- Retro iris fixation of claw lens, 2004- DOS –Delhi Ophthalmic Society, 2004- Bombay Ophthalmic Association, 2005- Disha Eye hospital ( W Bengal )
- Phakic implant claw – Rajkot ophthalmic society - 2006, - BOA – 2004, - DOS – 2004
- Rajkot ophthalmic society-2006
- Recent advances in - IOL’s MOS 2006
- Conductive Keratoplasty
- Corneal Topography, Deccan Ophthalmic society MOS - 2006
- LASIK – Corneal flap complications International Refractive Surgery Workshop Mumbai - 2006
- Customised phakic IOL - 2005 AlOS - Bhubaneshwar
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