Dr. Sarman Singh
Infectious Disease Specialist, Delhi
- 1 Hospital
Infectious Diseases
Laboratory Medicine
Infectious Diseases
Having more than 30 years of experience in teaching and diagnosing infectious diseases. Specialized in difficult cases of undiagnosed cases of fever, tuberculosis, infections in pregnant mother (Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV, herpes etc).Practice Information
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi
Ansari Nagar, Delhi, Delhi - 110029
Achievements & Contributions
- Received ChikitsaRatan Award 2014 of Delhi Medical Association, Delhi, June 2014.
- Received MedAchiever Merit Award of Indian Medical Association 2014, Delhi, July 2014
- Received Life Time Achievement Award of Society for Immunology and Immunopathology during the International Symposium on Latest Trend in Immunodiagnosis, Immunopathology and Immunomodulation and VI convention of Society for Immunology and Immunopathology, at Bikaner, Rajasthan, December, 2013.
- Awarded CSIR travel award for obtaining training in Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, University of Michigan, USA, 1990.
- Awarded Young Scientist DST travel grant to attend the VII International AIDS Conference, Italy, June 1991.
- Awarded Young Scientist INSA travel grant to present a paper in the VII International AIDS Conference, June 1991, Italy
- Received Japan Government Full Scholarship to present a paper in the X International Conference on AIDS/STD, August 1994
- Biotechnology Long Term Overseas Associateship for 1 year Awarded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, to work in USA, 1994-95.
- Awarded Full Scholarship from UNAIDS/Canada Government to present a paper in the XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, July 1996.
- Best Citizen Award of the Best Citizen Publishing House (Delhi) for year 2006
- Merit Award 1998 of the International Immunocompromised Host Society (USA), June 1998, Davos (Switzerland).
- “Prof. BP Pandey Memorial Oration Award for Best Teacher in Parasitology, Indian Society for Parasitology 2006.
- “BC Roy Award (Hari Om Ashram Alembic Research Award) of Medical Council of India, for the year 2006.
- “Nominated for the Prestigious Padma Shri Award of Government of India, 2010.
- “Vigyan Ratna Samman award by Council of Science and technology, Government of UP, for the year 2006.
- “Biotechnology Product, Process and Commercialization Award for Commercialization of a novel recombinant antigen of Leishmania donovani for the accurate diagnosis of kala-azar and PKDL. 2006.
- Member, Institutional Biosafety committee, Panacea Biotech, New Delhi.
- Chairman, Institutional Ethics Committee, of CARE Foundation, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, 2009- onward
- Member- Advisory Board, Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology, Jaipur, 2009
- Member of the Kala-azar elimination High power committee constituted by DGHS, Gov. of India, 2005-2013
- Invited Speaker on HIV-TB co-infection for the World AIDS Conference held at Mexico, August 2008
- Member of the "Scientific Expert Committee on QA/QC Implementation" National Institute of Biological, Ministry of Health, Government of India.2006-2009
- Chief Guest to inaugurate the Biotechnology Update of IP Degree college of CCS University, Meerut
- Honorary Member and only Representative from India for Prison Healthcare Committee of Medical Advocates for Social Justice, Argentina, Since 2001
- Member of the Selection Committee for "Rashtriya Gyan Vigyan Maulik Pustak Lekhan Puraskar Yojana", Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India for the duration of 2002-03
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45 Years Experiance