Dr. Sandhya Varudhini Audiologist and Speech Therapist in Hyderabad

Dr. Sandhya Varudhini

Audiologist and Speech Therapist, Hyderabad


  • 16 Years Experience
  • 3 Hospitals


  • Dr. Sandhya Varudhini Audiologist and Speech Therapist Unit Head in Fernandez Hospitals, Hyderabad
  • 9+ years of experience in the field of Audiology & Speech Pathology & Certified oral placement therapist (LEVEL 2)
  • Expertise in working with preschool children and school aged children.
  • Extensive knowledge in hearing, language, speech disorders and its related experience in all aspects of screening, management and treatment activities.
  • Languages : English, Telugu, Hindi


  • Audiology and Speech Therapy

Practice Information

Fernandez Hospitals, Hyderabad

Fernandez Hospitals, Hyderabad

3-5-874/1, Hyderguda, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500029

Fernandez Hospital, Bogulkunta

Fernandez Hospital, Bogulkunta

Near Abids, Boggulkunta, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500001

Fernandez Hospital, Hyderguda

Fernandez Hospital, Hyderguda

3-6-282, Opp. Old MLA Quarters, Hyderguda, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500029
