Dr. Sandhya Rani
Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Hyderabad
- 42 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Languages : English, Hindi, Telugu
Consultant Ostetrician & Gynaeclgist, Olive Hosital December, 2016 - Present
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, CARE Hospital, Vizag November, 2014 - September, 2016
Consultant Obst& Gynaecology, Olive Hospital February, 2011 - March, 2014
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist , Conquest Hospital, Hastings, East Sussex, TN37 7RD, UK June, 2010 - August, 2010
Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Yashoda Hospital April, 2007 - February, 2010
Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology, CARE Hospital June, 2003 - June, 2007
Consultant Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Medwin Hospital January, 2000 - June, 2003
Obstetrics and Gynecology
MBBS, 1976
DGO, 1981
MD, 1982
Practice Information
Olive Hospitals, Hyderabad
12-2-718/3,4,5, Nanalnagar X Roads, , Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500028
Achievements & Contributions
- Induction of abortion with Intramuscular administration of 15(S), 15-methyl Prostaglandin F 2 α (1980-81). Research work for MD (1982)
- Anaemia in pregnancy with particular attention to Haemoglobinopathies (1994) in Brunei
- “MadhavaRao Memorial Prize†in Forensic medicine (1975 Andhra Medical College)
- “Dr H. M. Lazarus Medal†for the Best performance in MD examination (1982, Andhra University)
- Awarded CESR (Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration) by the Post Graduate Medical Education & Training Board ( *PMETB, UK) in 2009.This is a rare honour ie CESR to be awarded by the PMETB after assessing my qualifications and vast experience in various hospitals . This award is equivalent to the UK Post graduate qualification CCT ( Certificate of Completion of PG Training ) and CCT is essential to get in to Specialist Register of GMC ( General Medica
- Labial fusion presenting as urinary incontinence in a post-menopausal women: a case report: Indian journal of clinical practice. Jan 2009;19(8):51-52.
- Acute Pancreatitis complicating pregnancy with severe Thrombocytopenia†Asian journal of Obst&Gynae practice 2011; Vol.2, April-june.
- Authored two topics in the book “100 Questions in Obstetrics & Gynaecology†Indian journal of clinical practice “ Caesarean Section complicationsâ€â€œ Normal Labour Complicationsâ€Vol.2, 2009
- UK: Presented a case report and talk on “ Hypertension in Early Pregnancy “ July 2010 , Conquest Hospital , Hastings ,UK
- Moderator for panel session on “chronic pelvic pain†during the 2nd International congress of minimal access surgeons of India held at, Hyderabad; Feb, 2007
- Presented a paper on “Multi-organ dysfuncion in Obstetric practice†at the International conference on High risk Pregnancy, held at Mumbai, organised by FOGSI (Fed of O&G Society of India )22-23 Oct, 2005.
- Guest lecture on “Multi Organ Dysfunction in Pregnancy†at Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, India; 28 Feb 2007.
- Talk on “ Critically-ill pregnant women “ on 21 July; 2007 , in CME organised by the Obst&Gynaec society, (OGSH) of Hyderabad at OGSH auditorium
- Talk on “ Management of Obstetric complications with Multi-organ Failure†15 June 2005 at OGSH auditorium
- Presented a paper on “Pain abdomen in pregnancy†at the 4th Andhra Pradesh Congress of Obstetricians &Gynaecologists conference organised by O&G society of East Andhra Pradesh, at Visakhapatnam Oct 2002.
- Delivered talk on “Psychosomatic disorders as a cause of many symptoms in women†at a national conference held by the Behavioural society of India, Visakhapatnam 1990.
- Presented several important topics at joint (inter-departmental) academic meetings at Olive, CARE &Yashoda&Medwin Hospitals:“Severe Thrombocytopenia in pregnancyâ€, “Endometriosis - a great mimickerâ€, “Cardio-vascular diseases in Pregnancyâ€, “multi-organ dysfunction in Obstetricsâ€, â€Acute Abdomenâ€(2000-2013)
- Chaired a session for PG Teaching Programme on Primary Amenorrhoea On 03-09-2016 organized by Yashoda Hospital & OGSH ( Obst & Gynae society of Hyderabad, FOGSI associated)
- Chaired session on 21-04-13 in Scientific programme of the Annual State Conference of Andhra Pradesh ( XV APCOG 2013 ) at Hotel Marriott Convention centre
- Invited Faculty , Chaired session on 9-7-11 during AP Chapter of Obst&Gynae Societies Conference –APCOG 2011, at Visakhapatnam
- · Invited Faculty , Chaired sessions during 54 th All India Congress of Obstetric &Gyanecology XIII APCOG (Jan 5-9, 2011) at Hyderabad
- · Elected as the Chairperson of the High-Risk Pregnancy Committee of the Obst&Gynaec Society of Hyderabad (OGSH ), for 2005-2008, re-elected 2013,organised “High-Risk&Medical disorders in Pregnancy†seminars in 2006 & 2007.
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