Dr. Sandeep Dixit
Orthopedic Surgeon, Bangalore
MBBS, D. Ortho, DNB (Ortho)
- 2 Hospitals
Orthopedic Surgery
- MBBS from Bangalore Medical College, 2005
- D. Ortho from Bangalore Medical College, 2008
- DNB (ortho) from Indore Institute Of Orthopaedics And Traumatology, 2011
- Depuy Fellowship In Arthroplasty From Sparsh Hospital
- Fellowship In Joint Replacements-germany From Germany, Knappschaftsklinikum Saar Gmbh, Puettlingen
Practice Information
Dixit Ortho Care, Bangalore
Lalitha Memorial Polyclinic, 1018, 16th Main, BTM Ist Stage, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560029
06:30 PM - 09:00 PM
Manipal Hospital, Jayanagar
45/1, 45th Cross, 9th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560069
Achievements & Contributions
- Presented Paper On Single Stage V/s Staggered Bilateral Total Knee Replacement In Single Hospitalization In Best Paper Award Catogery - 2013 Koacon-2013, Manipal
- Best Poster Award For P G Poster On Lcp Fixation For Ao Type C Fracture Of Knee Traumacon-2009 Annual Conference, Varanasi.
- Publications:Osteosynthesis Of Sub-capital Femoral Neck Fractures With Dhs And A De-rotation Screw
- The Journal Of Orthopaedics, Traumatology And Rehabilitation 2011; 2: 134-138.
- Bilateral Galleazzi FractureA Rare Entity. In Chattisgarh Chapter Indian Journal Of Orthopedics.
- De-rotation Osteotomy For Congenital Proximal Radio-ulnar SynostosisThe Journal Of Orthopaedics, Traumatology And Rehabilitation 2010; 3: 63-66.
- Locking Compression Plate In Ao Type C Fractures Of Distal Femur And Proximal TibiaHe Journal Of Orthopaedics, Traumatology And Rehabilitation 2009; 2: 101-104.
- PresentationsPaper On Umcemented Total Hip Replacement In Ankylosed Hips - 2012 Koacon-2012
- Paper On Outcome Of Humeral Shaft Fracutre Fixation With Dcp - 2009 Traumacon-2009 Annual Conference, Varanasi
- Paper On Single Stage V/s Staggered Bilateral Total Knee Replacement In Indian Patients - 2012Koacon-2012, Belgaum
- Poster On Bilateral Galleazzi Fracture Galleazzi Fracture - 2009Are Entity At Chattisgargh State Ioa Annual Conference, Dhamtari
- Poster On Lcp Fixation For Ao Type C Fracture Of Knee - 2009Traumacon-2009 Annual Conference, Varanasi
- Paper On Outcome Of Humeral Shaft Fracture Fixation With Dcp - 2009Chattisgarh State Ioa Annual Conference, Dhamtari
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