Dr. Samarth Mishra Ophthalmologist in Berhampur

Dr. Samarth Mishra

Ophthalmologist, Berhampur


  • 11 Years Experience
  • 1 Private Practice


Dr. Samarth Mishra (MBBS, M.S, FMRF, FVRS) completed his MBBS from MKCG Medical College, Berhampur (2007-2013), following which he did his MS Ophthalmology (2014-2017) from VSS Medical College, Burla where he was the PG batch topper. He was in the final round of academic achiever’s award (ERUDIO) conducted by Allergan all over India. In pursuit of academic excellence and to hone his surgical skills, he joined as a long term clinical vitreoretinal fellow at the prestigious Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai and thereafter got trained both at SN Kolkata and SN Chennai. Currently he works as a vitreoretina consultant at Sankara Eye Hospital, Samarjhola and is involved in managing both surgical and medical retina patients along with uveitis and ROP screening. Having a keen interest in research activities he has more than 25 papers to his credit in peer reviewed journals of national and international repute of which more than a dozen are Pubmed indexed.He is a member of European Society of Retina Specialists, All India Ophthalmic Society, Delhi Ophthalmological Society, YOSI, ACOIN and EIZOC.
  • Languages : English, Hindi, Oriya


  • Ophthalmology


  • Angiography

  • Argon Laser Treatment

  • B-Scan Ultrasound

  • Diabetes Eye Care

  • Eye Exams


  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration

  • Allergic Conjunctivitis

  • Bell's Palsy

  • Blepharospasm

  • Cataract - Glaucoma



MBBS, MKCG Medical College, Berhampur

MS, VSS Medical College, Burla

Practice Information

Private Practice Information

MKCG medical college

MKCG medical college

MKCG medical college , Berhampur, Berhampur, Odisha - 761101

  • 7205560398

Achievements & Contributions

  • All India Ophthalmic Society (AIOS)
  • Delhi Ophthalmic Society(DOS)
  • Odisha State Ophthalmic Society (OSOS)
  • Association of Community Ophthalmologists of India(ACOIN)