Dr.S. Indhumathi Counsellor in Erode

Dr.S. Indhumathi

Counsellor, Erode

Msc. Psychology, PG Diploma in Guidance and Counseling, Learning Disability

  • 10 Years Experience
  • 1 Hospital
  • 1 Private Practice


Iam Indhumathi.S Psychologist have complete Msc. psychology, PG Diploma in Guidance and Counseling, learning disability. I have lot of experience in helping people to tackle their problems. Expertise in providing counseling to children, adolescents, adults.

  • Present taking Online Consultation Only.

  • Languages : Tamil, English


Psychologist, Counseling centre, Erode March, 2015 -  Present


  • Counselling

  • Clinical Psychology


  • Learning disability in children
  • Adolescence counseling
  • Adults counseling
  • Couple counseling
  • Stress management
  • ADHD


M.sc Psychology, 2002, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India

PG diploma in Guidance and Counseling, 2017, Periyar University, Salem, India

Practice Information

Roja Hospital, Tirupur

Roja Hospital, Tirupur

No. 64, Pattukottayar Nagar, Tirupur Bazaar, Tirupur, Tamil Nadu - 641604

Private Practice Information

Roja hospital

Roja hospital

S.Indhumathi, 86 K.N.K Road, Thirunagar colony, Erode, Tamil Nadu - 638003

  • (+91) 7094571775, (+91) 8754854856

Achievements & Contributions

  • Member in Tamilnadu Psychologist Association

Patient Experience

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