Dr.S. Arul Rhaj
Cardiologist, Tuticorin
- 1 Hospital
- Prof.Dr.S. Arul Rhaj is consultant at Sundaram Arulrhaj Hospitals, Tuticorin
- Prof.Dr.S. Arul Rhaj had a Professional services over 32 year at Tuticorin as a Senior Physician
- Worked closely with National Board of Examinations and Medical Council of India
- Teaching DNB (Medicine) post Graduate students
- Registered for PhD with Dr. MGR Medical University
General Medicine
- Intensive care
Practice Information
Sundaram Arulrhaj Hospitals, Thoothukudi
145/5B, Jeyaraj Road, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu - 628002
Achievements & Contributions
- Conducted FCGP Examinations in India and Malaysia
- Observer for DFM Examinations in Colombo, Srilanka
- Delivering Guest Lecturers in National conferences
- Contributing Original articles for "Medical Updates" & "Post graduate Medicine" - Books
- Conducted teaching programmes. Seminars and Conferences at Tamilnadu, National level and International level (WOCON-99)
- Delivered many prestigious orations throughout India
- Clinical ResearchInvolved in Clinical Research - India
- Faculty for Research Methodology International Conference, Bangalore 2008
- Some of the research studies
- Herbal formulation in Type II DM – Animal and Human Studies.
- Study of Intrarcodiac masses.
- Bad prognostic marker in AMI
- Lipid profile in AMI
- LV Aneurysm
- H2 Blockers in APD
- University First Rank holder and Gold Medal winner in MD (Internal Medicine)
- Won many awards in Cardiology and Medicine in National and International levels
- Tamilnadu Government Best Doctor Award
- DR.B.C.Roy National Awardee, 2000
- Life Time Achievement Award - Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai
- Adjunct Professor of Medicine - Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai
- President Commonwealth medical Association 2007-2010
- Chairman - Commonwealth Health Professions Alliance, UK - 2011-2013
- National President IMA 2002 - 2003
- Associations of Physicians of India, Bombay
- Governing Body Member – 2008 -2010
- Championed Non Invasive Cardiology & Intensive Cares including Invasive Ventilation in South Tamilnadu
- Presented clinical research papers in national conferences
- Contributing chapters regularly for Medicine update Book for 15 years
- Emeritus Editor - Journal Medi Guide - meant for Practicing Physician of India
- Clinical Practise Journal - Meant for Physicians of Common Wealth
- International LeadershipSri Lanka - DFM & MD (Family Medicine) conducted jointly by IMA CGP & University of Colombo
- Malaysia - Overseas branch of IMA started in Kualalumpur
- FCGP Examination conducted thrice in Kaulalampur
- World Medical Association - Represented India in 2002 at Washington D.C
- Commonwealth medical Association (UK) - Vice President, Central Asia - 2004 - 2007
- Commonwealth medical Association (UK) - President, 2007 - 2010
- AAPI (USA) - involving in IMA - National RTA Project
- Efforts are on to form a branch of IMA in Mauritius
- EHealth - Asia 08 - Conference of CMA organized at Kaulalampur Nov 11-13th 2008
- Common Wealth Asia symposium on “Health Workers Migration” was Organized at New Delhi 17th to 18th March 2008
- Associate member of World medical Association
- Chariman, Commonwealth Medical Association Trust, UK
- Chairman - Commonwealth Health Professions Alliance, UK ( First Indian to achieve this honor)
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