Dr. Roy Patankar
General & Laparoscopic Surgeon, Mumbai
- Practicing as a Consultant Laproscopic Surgeon & Gastroenterologist since last 20 years
- Esophageal Manometry. More than 1000 esophageal manometries performed for evaluation of motility disorders, GERD pre-operative patients and for non cardiac chest pain
- Laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery: Largest series of anti-reflux surgeries in India with more than 450 Nissens Fundoplication performed. Referral high volume centre for esophageal surgery. Training courses for laparoscopic esophageal mobilization, Fundoplication and Achalasia
- Achalasia: More than 110 surgeries done with large series of cardiomyotomies with intra-operative endoscopy and intra-operative esophageal manometries.
- Narrow Band Laparoscopy: Pioneering technique of using narrow band imaging and chromoendoscopy techniques for diagnostic and preoperative staging laparoscopy.
General & Laparoscopic Surgery
Minimal Access Surgery
Surgical Gastroenterology
Gastrointestinal Surgery
- MBBS from Seth G.S. Medical K. E. M Hospital, Mumbai, India, 1987
- ECFMG from US 1988
- MS from Seth G.S. Medical K. E. M Hospital, Mumbai, India, 1991
- FLEX Pennsylvania US 1993
- FRCS from Edin. 1993
- FRCS from Glasgo 1993
- Full registration with the General Medical Council, UK
- Advanced Trauma Life Support Certification: Royal College of Surgeons, 1993
- University Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery, Strasbourg, 1995
- PhD (Gastroenterology), Southampton- UK, 1995
- FICS International College of Surgeons 1997
- FMAS from Honorary FMAS Awarded without examination, 2009 at AMASICON, Mumbai
Practice Information
Zen Multi Speciality Hospital, Mumbai
Plot No 425, 10th Road, Near Sandu Garden, Chembur East, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400071
Achievements & Contributions
- Seth Khimchand Amulakh Pharmacology Prize 1985
- University Merit Scholarship 1990
- University 1st rank Prize for MS (Gen. Surgery) 1991
- Robert Schuuman Laparoscopic Fellowship, Strasbourg, 1995
- University Distinctions in Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology,
- Microbiology, Forensic Medicine and Gen. Surgery
- 2nd Prize – Best Paper session, MASICON, Amravati, 2004
- Prize awarded for Best Poster at Asia Pacific Coloproctology Meeting, Goa, 2009
- Pancreatology 1999
- Review Article: Video Assisted Thoracoscopic surgery. Ind. J Surgery 2002
- Laparoscopic management of gastric volvulus. Ind. J Surgery 2002.
- Gastric mucormycoses: Ind. J. Gastroenterol 2002 21(6) 231-2
- Quality of life in stoma patients. Dis Colon Rectum 1999 42(12): 1569-74
- Standardization of a technique for BrIDA cholescintigraphy. Nucl Med Comm 1996 (8) 724-8
- Gallstones and gallbladder motility. Gut 1994 35(1):140
- Laparoscopic Management of Renal Hydatid Cyst – JMAS-2009
- Laparoscopic Surgical Correction of Retrocaval Ureter, J Surg. Pak, Dec 2006; 11(4):18 1-2
- Review article: GERD & Fundoplication. Bombay Hospital Journal.2008
- Boerhaves Syndrome: Thoracolaparoscopic Approach, J minimal Access Surgery 2010; 6; 76-79
- Minimally invasive approach to pancreatic necrosectomy. J Laparoendoscopic Adv Surgical Technique 2011;21:2:131-136
- Evaluation of Obstructive defecation syndrome. Accepted in JIMSA (in print)
- Mesocolic hernia. Accepted in J.M.A.S.
- Median arcuate ligament syndrome. Accepted in J.M.A.S.
- H-pylori for the surgeon. Recent advances in surgery 19. Churchill Livingstone. London, 1996.
- 1st Successful NOTES Omental / Peritoneal biopsy in Western India, November, 2009.
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