Dr. Rohan Virani
Dentist, Mumbai
- 18 Years Experience
- 3 Hospitals
- Dr. Rohan Virani is a consultant at Trisa Dental Solutions, Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, Spaceline Dental Studio, Mumbai
- Oral Cancer
- Dental Lasers
- BDS from Yerala Dental College and Hospital, Kharghar, Mumbai
Practice Information
Trisa Dental Solutions, Mumbai
B/3, Bhagyashree Apartments, 1st Floor, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Above Dairy Don Ice Cream, Mulund West, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400080
Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai
Hill Side Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400076
Spaceline Dental Studios, Mumbai
60 Ft Road, R.B.Mehta Marg, 104/105, 1st Floor, Dhoot Business Centre, Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400077
Achievements & Contributions
- Lecturer in the national level IGNOU workshop on dental implants
- ConferenceIda Phase 1 International Cde Programme on Oral Cancer Prevention (Oral brush biopsy Oral CDx) held on 26th Aug 2007 at Mumbai
- Workshop on Biostatistics & Research Methodology held on 19th, 20th and Jan 2009 at NHDC
- P.G. Convention, IAOMR, Bangalore, 28th - 29th Sept 2007
- Workshop on aesthetic dentistry on 17th - 18th Dec 2008
- Hands on workshop of Cardiopulmonary Resuccitation on 17th - 18th December 2008
- Hands on workshop on Kodak Radiovisiography on 17th - 18th Dec 2008
- Cde Programme of Oral Diagnosis, Medicine and Radiology and Oral Pathology Held in Dec 2008 at NHDC platinum jubilee celebrations
- Cde Programme Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery held in Dec 2008 at NHDC Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
- Cde Programme Of Prosthetic Dentistry held in Dec 2008 at NHDC Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
- Cde Programme Of Operative Dentistry & Endodontics held in Dec 2008 at NHDC Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
- Cde Programme Of Periodontics held in December08 at NHDC Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
- International conference on Head and Neck Oncology (IFHNOS) on Oct 18 - 20, 2008, Mumbai
- Certificate Course in Head and Neck Imaging at Tata Memorial Hospital on Feb 1 - 14, 2009
- Famdent Mumbai in 2007 - 2009
- Regular participation in all dental events organized in and around Mumbai for continuously updating skills and acquiring new treatment modalities
- Best Paper Award for presentation entitledTreatment of Tmj clicks at national level dental symposium
- Botox The Sweet Poison An Over View, NHDC- Scientific Session in Sept 2007
- Ellisvan Crevald Syndrome A Case Report, Paper Presentation, P.G.Convention, IAOMR, Bangalore on 28th -29th Sep 2007
- Poster Presentation CT Scan Appearance of Bone Diseases manifested in the jaws at the XIXth National Conference of IAOMR, Chennai in Dece 2007
- PosterRadiological Findings In Goldenhar Syndrome presented at the Triple O symposium held at K.L.E Vishwanath Katti Institute of dental sciences , Belgaum on 4th and 5th July 2008
- Dentistry - 2050 ( world of nanodentistry,nanorobotics) presented at Nhdc platinum jubilee celebration in Dec 2008
- Oral myiasis A report of 3 cases submitted to New York Dental Journal
- Barodentistry pressures on Published in Famdent a visual guide to practical dentistry Vol. 10 Issue 4 April 2010
- Lasers in dentistry in dental voice vol II issue VII
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