Dr. Reena Nair
Hematologist, Kolkata
- 31 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Languages : Hindi, English
- Lymphoma
- Leukaemia
- Breast cancer
- MBBS from Bombay University
- MD from Bombay University
- Research Fellow from Department of Medical Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital, Bombay, Jan 1992 to June 1994
Practice Information
Tata Medical Center, Kolkata
New Town, 14 Mar (E-w), Rajarhat, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700156
Achievements & Contributions
- Invited Faculty, Australian and Asia Pacific Clinical Oncology Research Development (ACORD). September 2010
- Invited Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, National Institute of Immuno- Hematology, ICMR, KEM Hospital, Mumbai, June 2011-2012
- Invited member of the International Data Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC), for Sandoz Biopharmaceuticals, Germany, 2011-2013
- Steering Committee member and Invited Faculty, Australian and Asia Pacific Clinical Oncology Research Development (ACORD), 2012- 2014
- Sequential Arsenic trioxide and all trans retinoic acid with daunomycin yield early cytogenetic and molecular response in newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia- Data from a tertiary cancer center. Poster in ASH 2012
- Comparison of efficacy and safety of Rituximab (Mabthera and its biosimilar Reditux), in diffuse large B cell lymphoma patients treated with chemoimmunotherapy: a retrospective analysis. ISHTM 2012, Puri
- Predicting response rates of High grade non Hodgkin’s lymphomas: a comparative study of International Prognostic Index (IPI) with Subjective Global Assessment. ESMO Congress, Vienna 2012 (Abstr No-106242P)- awarded ESMO travel grant
- Retrospective single center analysis of safety, efficacy and toxicity of Rituximab (original) and its biosimilar in diffuse large B cell lymphoma patients treated with chemoimmunotherapy. ESMO Congress, Vienna 2012 (Abstract No 1074P)
- Cytogenetic analysis helps identification of prognostic groups in Multiple Myeloma: the experience from Ind J Mol Diag 2012; 14 (Abs# 459) pp 667
- Comparison of toxicity and outcomes of BCNU-containing conditioning regimens versus LACE in lymphoma transplants: A retrospective multicenter analysis. Indian Oncology Study Group (IOSG). Poster in ASH 2011
- Phase II feasibility study of combination chemotherapy with fractionated endoxan, vinblastine, oral etoposide and prednisolone in patients with Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) related aggressive lymphomas. ICML, Lugano (abstract: 488) Ann of Oncol 2011; 22 (4): iv 236
- ISHTM HAEMATOCON Conference Kolkatta, Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Lymphomas 2010
- Dr J G Parekh Oration at the 33rd, Annual conference of the Mumbai Hematology Group: Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia – A journey from Curse to Cure 2010
- Risk factors for poor performance status in cancer patients : A multivariate analysis in 3585 patients. Proc ASCO 2008; (20: abstr 9628)
- Prospective study of pattern of IFI and role of latex agglutination in GM and CM antigen detection in patient presenting with HR Neutropenic fever. JCO 26 : Abstr No – 20534 ; 20: 2008
- Phase III study of temsirolimus with letrozole or letrozole alone in postmenopausal women with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer. Poster at the 29th, Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, 2006 (one of the investigators)
- Primary thyroid lymphomas. Single center experience. Poster at ESMO, Istanbul 2006
- To assess the effect of chemotherapy on reactivation of tuberculosis. Poster at ESMO, Istanbul 2006
- Selective migration of IgVH3+ B –cell CLL clones in response to chemokine SDF1. Poster at BSH 2006
- Clonal IgVh dominance of B-CLL cells in response to chemokine SDF1. Poster presented at IACR (Ind J Med Res 2005)
- Thromboembolic events (TEC) in Adjuvant Breast Cancer (ABC) International trial –Retrospective and Prospective audit. Poster at ASCO 2004
- Polychemotherapy (CT) in pre and post-menopausal women with early breast cancer prescribed 5 years of tamoxifen (T) - Results from the UK NCRI Adjuvant Breast Cancer (ABC) International trial of 1991 patients. Poster at ASCO 2004
- Ovarian ablation (OA) in permenopausal women with early breast cancer prescribed 5 years tamoxifen (T) or T plus chemotherapy (CT) – Results from the UK NCRI Adjuvant Breast Cancer (ABC) International trial of 2144 patients. Poster at ASCO 2004
- Randomized phase II trial of three gemcitabine (GEM) – taxane combinations in Metastatic breast cancer (MBC)(B9E-MC-S197). ASCO abstract 2004
- Adjuvant Breast Cancer Trial (ABC) and the lessons learnt in conducting an Adjuvant Trial presented at the close out meet NCRI Adjuvant Breast Cancer International Participants Meeting, London 2004
- Laxmibai Korane prize for standing first in Goa Medical college, Ist MBBS
- Goa Medical College First Prize in Human Anatomy, for proficiency at MB,BS, university examinations
- 2nd, Prize for Oral Presentation-Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA), lymphomas. ISHTM HAEMATOCON Conference, Kolkatta
- 1st, Prize for Oral Presentation- Long Term Outcomes of Bone Marrow Transplantation in Multiple Myeloma. Mumbai Hematology Group 35th Annual Meet.
- 1st, Prize for Oral Presentation - A phase II feasibility study of combination therapy with fractionated cyclophosphamide, vinblastine, oral etoposide and prednisolone in patients with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) related aggressive lymphomas. Lymphoma and Leukemia 2012 (ESO), Mumbai
- 3rd, Prize for Oral Presentation – SMILE for peripheral T cell lymphoma- an effective and safe regimen. Lymphoma and Leukemia 2012 (ESO)
- 1st, Prize for Poster Presentation- CD 200 expression in lymphoid cells of non Hodgkin’s lymphomas involving the bone marrow and peripheral blood. Lymphoma and Leukemia 2012 (ESO)
- 3rd, Prize for Poster Presentation – Dasatinib in second line treatment for Chronic Myeloid leukemia- a single centre experience. Lymphoma and Leukemia 2012
- 1st Prize for Poster Presentation - Predicting early outcomes of non Hodgkin’s lymphoma: A comparative study of International Prognostic Index (IPI) with Subjective Global Assessment (SGA). Mumbai Hematology Group 36th Annual Meet
- 2nd, Prize for Oral Presentation – Phase II feasibility study of Oral Metronomic chemotherapy-ME2C in adult patients with relapsed/refractory High grade B cell Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma not eligible for stem cell transplantation. Mumbai Hematology Group 36th Annual Meet
- Predicting response rates of High grade non Hodgkin’s lymphomas: a comparative study of International Prognostic Index (IPI) with Subjective Global Assessment. ESMO Congress, Vienna (Abstr No-106242P)- awarded ESMO travel grant
- Partha Sarathi Roy, Shiji John, Sadashiv Karankal, Sadhana Kannan, Jayant Gawande, Bhausaheb Bagal, Navin Khattry, Manju Sengar, Hari Menon, Sumeet Gujral, Reena Nair. Comparison of the efficacy and safety of Rituximab (MabtheraTM) and its biosimilar (RedituxTM) in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients treated with chemo-immunotherapy: a retrospective analysis. (Sent for publication)
- Ramesh Nimmaguda, Raghunandharao Digumarti, Reena Nair, Dinesh Bhurani, Vinod Raina, Shyam Agarwal, Shekhar patil, Pabitra Gogai, Subramanian Sundaram, Chanchal Goswami, Shashikant Apte, Srinivas Chakravathy, Anand Pathak. The Epidemiology of lymphomas and treatment outcomes of Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma: Retrospective Analysis from India. I J Med & Ped Oncol 2013 (Sent for publication)
- Shilpa Gupta, Reena Nair, Hari Menon, Sumeet Gujral, PG Subramanian. Therapy related acute promyelocytic leukemia following breast cancer treatment- a case report. JAPI (Sent for publication-Jr No: 244/2011)
- Clinicopathological impact of cytogenetic subgroups in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Experience from India. Ind J Cancer 2013: (Accepted for publication)
- Rakesh Katna, Tanuja Shet, Manju Sengar, Hari Menon, Siddharth Laskar, Prabhash Kumar, Anil D’Cruz, Reena Nair. Clinico-Pathological study and outcome analysis of thyroid lymphomas: Experience from a tertiary care centre. Head & Neck 2012; (Accepted for publication)
- Shilpa Gupta, Bhausaheb Bagel, Sumeet Gujral, P G Subramanian, Navin Khattry, Hari Menon, Reena Nair. Parenthood in patients of Acute Promyelocytic leukaemia after treatment with Arsenic trioxide - A case series. Leuk Lymph 2012; 53:2192-2194
- Manju Sengar, Amol Akhade, Reena Nair, Hari Menon, Epari Sridhar, Sumeet Gujral, Tanuja Shet, Siddharth Laskar. Retrospective audit of clinicopathological attributes and treatment outcomes of Adolescent and Young Adults non Hodgkins Lymphoma from a Tertiary Care Centre. Ind J Med & Pediatr Oncol 2011; 32:(4) 197-203
- Reena Nair, Vikas Ostwal, Manju Sengar, Amol Kothekar, Jiggeshu Divetia, Urmila Thate. Lead Intoxication mimicking a malignancy. Hematol Oncol Stem cell Ther 2011; 4 (2) 146-147
- H Kim Lyerly, Aky P Abernethy, Martin R Stockler, Bogda Koczwara, Zeba Aziz, Reena Nair, Lesley Seymour. Need for Global Partnership in cancer care: Perceptions of cancer care researchers attending the 2010 Australia and Asia Pacific Clinical Oncology Research Development Workshop. J Oncol Practice 2011; 7: 1-6
- Prabhash K, Medhekar A, Ghadyalpatil N, Noronha V, Biswas S, Kurkure PA, Nair R, Kelkar R. Blood stream infections in cancer patients: A single centre experience of isolates and sensitivity pattern. Ind J Cancer 2010; 47: 184-188
- Gujral S, Polampalli S, Badrinath Y, Kumar A, Subramanian PG, Nair R, Sengar M, Nair C. Immuno phenotyping of mature T/NK cell neoplasm presenting as leukemia. Indian J Cancer. 2010 Apr-Jun; 47 (2): 189-93
- Shubhada Kane, Aditi Khurana, Gorakh Parulkar, Tanuja Shet, Kumar Prabhash, Reena Nair, Sumeet Gujral. Minimum diagnostic criteria for plasmablastic lymphoma of oral/ sinonasal region encountered in a tertiary cancer hospital in the developing country. J Oral Path 2009; 38:138-144
- Sumeet Gujral, Sunita Polampalli, Y Badrinath, Ashok Kumar, Subramanium PG, Reena Nair, Sudeep Gupta, Manju Sengar, Chandrika Nair. Immunophenotyoing of mature B-cell non Hodgkin’s lymphoma involving bone marrow and peripheral blood: critical analysis and insights gained at a tertiary care cancer hospital. Leuk Lymph 2009; 50: 1290- 1300
- Prabhash K, Medhekar A, Biswas S, Kurkure PA, Nair R, Kelkar R. Comparison of in vitro activities of ceftazidime, piperacillin-tazobactam, and cefaperazone-sulbactum, and the implication on empirical therapy in patients with cancer. Ind J Cancer 2009; 46: 318- 322
- Suryaprakash VG, Purandhare NC, Gujral S, Shah S, Nair R, Rangarajan V. Positron emission tomography evaluation of primary Hodgkins disease of liver. Ind J Cancer 2009; 46: 216- 218
- A Chogule, S Pomlampalli, P Amre, S Shinde, S Banavali, K Prabhash, R Nair, PG Subramanium, S Gujral, PM Parikh. Identification of PML/ RARa fusion gene transcripts that showed no t(15;17) with conventional karyotyping and fluorescent in situ hybridization. Gen & Mol Res 2009; 8: 1 – 7
- K Prabhash, Vikram GS, R Nair, M Sengar, S Gujral, A Bakshi, S Gupta, PM Parikh. Fludarabine in Lymphoproliferative malignancies: A single centre experience. Natl Med Journal 2008; 21: 171-174
- S Gujral, A Agarwal, V Gota, R Nair, S Gupta, SK Pai, M Sengar, T Shet, PG Subramanium, M Mukaden, S Laskar. A clinicopathological study of mantle cell lymphoma in a single centre in India. Ind J Pathol/ Micro 2008; 51: 315-322
- Sheetal Hingmire, Sachin Hingmire, Ashish Baksi, Sumeet Gujral, Rajan Badwe, Reena Nair. Multiple myeloma mimicking bone metastasis in a patient with carcinoma breast. Ind J Med/ Ped Oncol 2008; 29: 53-55
- R Nair, K Prabhash, M Sengar, A Bakshi, S Gujral, S Gupta, P Parikh. The effect of short –term intensive chemotherapy on reactivation of tuberculosis. Ann Oncol 2007; 18: 1234-1245
- Siddhartha Laskar, Gaurav Bahl, Mary Ann Muckaden, Reena Nair, Sudeep Gupta, Ashish Bakshi, Sumeet Gujral, Tanuja Shet, Shyam Kishore Shrivastava, Ketayun Ardeshir Dinshaw. Primary diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma of the tonsil: is a higher radiotherapy dose required? Cancer 2007; 110/4: 816-823
- Karanth VN, Pranjali K, Sudeep Gupta, Reena Nair, Purvish M Parikh. Cryptosporidiosis in a relapsed case of Hodgkins Disease. Ind J Med Sci 2007; 61: 419-421
- Pranjali K, Prabhash K, Karanth VN, Kane S, Nair R, Parikh PM. Umbilical metastasis: an unusual presentation of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Ind J Dermat Venerol Lepro 2007; 73: 199-200
- The Adjuvant Breast Cancer Trials Collaborative Group. Ovarian abalation or suppression in premenopausal early breast cancer: results from the International Adjuvant Breast Cancer ovarian abalation or suppression Randomized Trial. J Natl Cancer Inst 2007; 99: 516-525
- The Adjuvant Breast Cancer Trials Collaborative Group. Polychemotherapy for early Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Randomized Trial. J Natl Cancer Inst 2007; 99: 506-515
- Siddhartha Laskar, Mary Ann Muckaden, Gaurav Bahl, Sandeep De, Reena Nair, Sudeep Gupta, Ashish Bakshi, Kumar Prabhash, Dipen Maru, Sumeet Gujral, Purvish Parikh, Shyam Kishore Shrivastava, & Ketayun Ardeshir Dinshaw. Primary Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the Nasopharynx: Prognostic Factors and Outcome of 113 Indian Patients. Leuk Lymph 2006; 47(10): 2132 – 2139
- Kei Siong Khoo, Syed Hasan M Zaidi, V Srimunnimit, S Song, Reena Nair, Corazon A Ngelangel, Anita Bustam, William H H Reece, Manfred Lehnert. Gemcitabine and split-dose paclitaxel or docetaxel in metastatic breast cancer: a randomized phase II study. Eur J Oncol 2006; 42: 1797-1806
- Kumar Prabhash, Ghanshyam Biswas, Reena Nair, Durgatosh Pandey, Dipen Maru, Aparna Mahajan, Purvish Parekh. Metachronous gastric diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and adenocarcinoma. Ind J Gastro 2006; 25: 261- 262
- Parmar V, Krishnamurthy A, Nadkarni MS, Hawaldar R, Sarin R, Chinoy R, Nair R, Thakur M, Jalali R, Gupta S, Shet T, Budrukkar A, Ramani S, Dinshaw KA, Badwe RA.Breast conservation treatment in women with locally advanced breast cancer. Int J Surg Oncol 2006; 4: 106-114
- Ghanshyam Biswas, Parekh M Purvish, Reena Nair, Roshni Bhagwat, Kumar Prabhash, Amish Vora, Sudeep Gupta, VR Pai, Hari Menon, PSRK Sastry. Rituximab (Anti CD 20 monoclonal antibody) in Lymphoproliferative Malignancies: Tata Memorial Hospital Experience. JAPI 2006; 54: 29-33
- S Chopra, G Bahl, M Ramadwar, S Ramani, R Nair, MA Muckaden, S Laskar. Synchronous mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphomas involving bilateral orbits and breasts: a rare clinical entity. Leuk Lymph 2005, 46 (8): 1247 – 1250
- Ghanshyam Biswas, Chetan Deshmukh, Ashish Bakshi, Reena Nair, Sudeep Gupta, Sumeet Gujral, Purvish M Parekh. Primary Uterine Lymphoma treated by adjuvant chemotherapy after radical surgery. W JCO 2005; MS 962549958112431
- TK Saikia, A Bakshi, R Bhagwat, S Tawde, R Nair, CN Nair, PM Parekh. Outcome in adults: A retrospective analysis. Natl Med J India 2005; 18: 12-15
- Member, Executive committee: Mumbai Hematology Group 1997
- Treasurer, Indian Oncology Study Group, Mumbai 2001-2012
- Joint Secretary, Mumbai Hematology Group 2004
- Member (co-opted), Executive committee, Indian Society of Medical & Pediatric Oncology 2004 -2006
- Treasurer: Indian Breast Group 2004-2006
- Founding Member: Myeloma India Foundation 2004 onwards
- Indian APL Study Group: Member 2004 onwards
- Scientific Committee Member, Tata Memorial Hospital, 2004 – 2006
- Human Ethics Committee Member, Tata Memorial Hospital, 2007- 2011
- Founder Member, Developing countries task force, Breast International Group, 2008
- Founder Member “Registry for epidemiology end results and analysis in lymphomas (REEA-L), Indian Oncology Study Group 2009 onwards
- Institute Review Board Member, ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre, 2012 -2014
- Member of American Society of Hematology (ASH) from 2011
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