Dr. Ravi Sahota Pediatrician & Neonatologist in Kashipur

Dr. Ravi Sahota

Pediatrician & Neonatologist, Kashipur

MBBS, DCH, Fellowship in Neonatology, IPPC,

  • 13 Years Experience
  • 1 Private Practice


Dr. Ravi Sahota is a consultant Pediatrician & Neonatologist   at sahota super-speciality hospital kashipur, uttrakhand
Dr Ravi sahota was the first neonatologist in kumaon region of uttrakhand.
With his expertise he has seen over 40 thousand babies and has been a boost to the society .
He caters the entire kumaon region .
He is very active academically. Dr ravi sahota has presented papers in several world Congress in Pediatrics and neonatology.
He was national trainer of trainee between 2014-2016.. he was faculty in several state level Pediatrics conferences..


  • Pediatrics & Neonatology

  • Pediatrics

  • Pediatric gastroenterology

  • Pediatric Intensive Care


Expert in treating pediatrics neurological cases, cerebral palsy, asthma, seizure disorders, obesity, malnutrition, Coeliac disease Immunisation, vaccines.



DCH, 2012, BRAMCH, Bangalore

Fellowship in Neonatology, Cloudine Hospital

IPPC, 2014, Childrens Hospital Westmead sydney, Sydney, Australia

PGPN, 2016, University of Boston, USA

FRSPH, 2013, Royal college of London , London , United kingdom

Practice Information

Private Practice Information

Sahota Advanced Clinic

Sahota Advanced Clinic

Ramnagar Road, Kashipur, U S Nagar - 244713


12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

  • (+91) 7055657626

Achievements & Contributions

  • Gold Medal in Postgraduate Exam 
  • Best outgoing Postgraduate 
  • Awarded Fellowship in Infectious disease,Capetown
  • Best athlete and best student at school level
  • Awarded by health minister of uttrakhand
  • Best Child Specialist In Uttrakhand, By Prime Time Media,New Delhi
  • Maternal Anemia can cause  Neonatal Sepsis.? WSPID2013,Capetown
  • Failure to Thrive - an interesting case WSPID 2013, Capetown.
  • Neonatal sepsis-current consensus and recent advances WSPID 2013,Capetown
  • National Neonatology Forum