Dr. Rashmi Sharma
Surgical Oncologist, Delhi
- 27 Years Experience
- Dr. Rashmi Sharma, is a Surgical Oncologist at Moolchand hospital in New Delhi
- Presently,Senior Consultant Surgical Oncologist, Moolchand Hospital ,New Delhi since 2009
- Languages : English, Hindi
Surgical Oncology (Cancer Surgery)
Reproductive Medicine
IVF & Infertility
- Surrogacy
Practice Information
Achievements & Contributions
- Topper in 2nd MBBS in BHU
- D.N.B and M.N.A.M.S in First attempt
- Won first prize for Paper presentation 'Premature ovarian failure and poor ovarian reserve ,a lesser known cause of infertility in patients of genital tuberculosis; Sharma R, Malik S. IMS Internation
- Publication, 'Pregnancy outcome following transvaginal fetal reduction ,report of 18 cases'. Malik S.,Sharma R. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics India. Nov-dec, 2008.
- Publication, 'Abdominal tuberculosis with elevated serum CA 125 mimicking advanced ovarian cancer'. Sharma R, Malik S. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics India, Volume 12 No.1.Jan,Feb,
- 8th Position in U.P. State Merit List in Intermediate Exams
- Cleared Part 1 MRCOG Exam in First Attempt
- Poster Presentation on 'Abdominal tuberculosis with elevated CA,125 mimicking metastatic ovarian cancer'. Sharma R, Malik S. 28th Annual Conference of Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist
- Poster presentation on 'Corroborating diagnosis of latent genital tuberculosis with Quantiferon gold'. Sharma R, Malik S. Nagpal S., Vedprakash. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR Feb 2007) Del
- Won C.S.Dawn prize for best paper presentation ,'Retrospective analysis of patients with genital tuberculosis undergoing IVF /ICSI and analysis of its effect on ovarian reserve' Sharma R. Malik S. Al
- . Paper presentation, 'LUFS and its implications in infertility'. Sharma R. at All India Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ,AICOG Varanasi Jan 2012
- Chapters in Books, 'Whats new in ART' Malik S. Sharma R. In: Advances in Obstetrics & Gynecology editors Rajaram S.,Mehta S.,Goel N. publishers Jaypee brothers vol 2 p 348-365 .Jan 2008
- Chapters in Books, Malik S. Sharma R. 'Infections and recurrent pregnancy loss'. In : Recurrent pregnancy loss, vol 1 , issue 6 nov-dec.2008. editors Padubidri V.G.,Pai H.K.,Kamini A.Rao Elsevier p
- Chapters in Books, Authored a chapter in a book on Obstetrics and Gynaecology for postgraduates edited by Dr. Sudha Salhan(HOD ,Safdarjung Hospital) titled as 'Artificial Reproductive Technology'
- Chapters in Books, Malik S. Sharma R. 'Prediction and Prevention of premature labour'. In: Critical issues in Obstetrics ECAB clinical update, 1st edition ,Elsevier publications 22-49 jan 2009
- Chapters in Books, Malik S.,Ved S., Vedprakash, Sharma R. ,Bhatia V. 'Frozen embryo transfer' In: Frozen life,A comprehensive manual of cryobiology for assisted reproduction and stem cells . p 359-3
- Delivered a lecture on 'Management of Hyperprolactinemia' at Annual Conference of Faridabad Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society,December 2006
- Delivered a lecture on 'Treating PCOS with OCPs old and new' at monthly meating of Muzzafernagar Obstetrics and Gynecology Society,December 2007
- Participated as a panelist at ISAR North Zone CME on 'The endometrium',August 2007
- Invited as a panelist at ISAR national conference on a panel discussion on 'male infertility related to genital tuberculosis' March 2008.Bhubenashwar,Orissa
- Executive Member, Indian Fertility Society
- Life member,Federation of Obs.&Gynae Societies of India (FOGSI)
- Life member, National Association for Reproductive and Child Health of India(NARCHI)
- Life member, National Academy of Medical Sciences (MNAMS) , Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
- Life member, Indian Medical Association
- Life member, Delhi Medical Association
- Life member, West Delhi Gynaecology Forum
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