Dr. Rama Raju
Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Visakhapatnam
- Visiting Professor at Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Justus-Liebig University, Germany
- (Test Tube Baby) Clinic in the District of Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Orissa in 1996
- Delivered first IVF (Test Tube Baby) in the coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh on 1st November 1997
- First ICSI baby was born on 13th September 1998 in the state of Andhra Pradesh
- First Baby was born by Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) in Andhra Pradesh on 22nd December 1998
- First laser baby in South India was born on 5thMarch/2000 by Assited Hatching
- Delivered first baby by using vitrification method in May 2005
- Delivered twins using PGD Technology in August 2006. First in South IndiaVisiting Professor, Giessen Universit
Obstetrics and Gynecology
IVF & Infertility
- Human Reproduction
- Fretility Sterility
- RBM Online
- Archives of Ob&Gy
- Human Fertility
- Journal of Human
- Reproductive Sciences
- Journal of Assisted
- Reproduction and Genetics
- Graduated in medicine from Andhra Medical College in the year 1984
- DNB in Obstetrics & Gynecology in the year 1990
- Specialized training in infertility management under the guidance of Prof. Hans Tinneberg, Bielefield Institute of Reproduction, Germany. From 1995-2008
Practice Information
Krishna IVF Hospital, Visakhapatnam
Z.P.Junction, Krishna Nagar, Maharanipeta, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh - 530002
Achievements & Contributions
- Dr. Rama Raju visited various research centers in Europe to update himself in the field of infertility, viz. Kiel University (1995), Bielefield Institute of Reproduction (1997, 1998, 1999), Paul Devroy Institute (2004)
- Participated in several conferences on Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Endoscopy, nfertility,Reproductive Medicine, IAGE [Indian Association of Gynaecological Endoscopists] etc., in India & Abroad
- The Telugu Academi has awarded Samaikya Bharat Gaurav Satkar on 22-08-04 at New Delhi
- Outstanding Scientists of the 21st Century 2005 issued by the international Biographical Centre Cambridge England
- Awarded Merit certificate by Honarable Governor Rameshwar Thakur to Dr.G.A.Rama Raju Honorary Secretary Indian Redcross Society
- Neonatal outcome following Vitrified day 3 embryo transfers – a preliminary tudy.Fertility and Sterility Vol: 92,issue-1 July 2009 Cited by 3 related articles
- Comparison of Follitropin B administered by a pen device with conventional syringe in an ART Programme – a retrospective Study.Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and TherapeuticsVol.33 Page 1-7 2008
- Meiotic spindle and Zona Pellucida characteristics as predictors of
- embryonic development:a Preliminary study using polscope imaging RBM Online vol 14.No.2 Jan 2007 Cited by 24 related articles
- Vitrification of Embryos Allas of Human Assisted Reproductive Technolgies 2007 Mangala Telang
- Successful pregnancy with laparoscopic oocyte retrieval and in-vitro ertilisation in a case of mullerian agenesis Singapore Med J 2006: 47(4) Vitrification : An emerging technique for Cryopreservation in Assisted eproductive programmes.Embryo talk. Vol.1.No.4 2006
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome an Overview Fertility Blaze, Vol.4, July 2006
- Assesment of uterine cavity by hysteroscopy in assisted reproduction programme and its infuence on pregnancy outcome
- Vitrification of Human 8-cell embryos,A modified protocol for better pregnancy ratesRBM Online Vol 11.No.4 Aug 2005Cited by 25 related articles
- Evaluation of fluoxetine in premature ejaculation Indian journal of pharmacology.Vol.24 No3-1997 page 204-205 Cited by 2
- Vitrification of human early cavitating and deflated expanded blastocysts: Clinical outcome of 474 cycles. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics (In Press)
- Abstract review panel Member of IFFS 18th World Congress 2004 held at Montreal Canda from 23rdMay to 28th May 2004
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