Dr. Rama Krishna Pedada
Forensic Medicine, Visakhapatnam
MD (Forensic Medicine & Toxicology)
- 14 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
• Editor in chief for Andhra Pradesh academy of Forensic Medicine Journal.
• Research articles (15) got published in various reputed international and national indexed journals.
• Designated as ‘top expert’ in the specialty of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology in ‘Round glass Curofy’ platform with profile http://curofy.com/drramakrishnapedada for opining in various medicolegal issues • Editor and peer reviewer for Forensic journals.
- Languages : English, Hindi, Telugu
Forensic Medicine
Medicolegal consultantPractice Information
King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam
Maharanipeta, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh - 530002
Achievements & Contributions
- An analytical study of deaths due to poisoning in Visakhapatnam. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2017; 4(91), 5445-5448. DOI:10.18410/jebmh/2017/1089
- A 5 year retrospective analysis of dowry related deaths in Visakhapatnam. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2017; 4(93), 5742-5744. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2017/1154
- An analytical study of asphyxial deaths due to hanging in and around Visakhapatnam IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences, January-March,2018;3(1):1-7
- Electrocution related mortality in Visakhapatnam - a 15- year retrospective analytical study. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2018; 5(35), 2585-2588. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2018/532
- Analysis of Pedestrian Deaths in Road Traffic Accidents –An Autopsy Based Study in Visakhapatnam East African Scholars J Med Sci; Vol-2, Iss-2 (February, 2019): 74-79
- Analysis of railway fatalities in Visakhapatnam- an autopsy- based study. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2018;7(28):3170-3173, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/713
- Study of deaths due to blunt injury abdomen in and around Visakhapatnam. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2018; 5(51), 3466-3469. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2018/706
- A Study of Pattern of Fingerprints in Relation to Blood Groups East African Scholars J Med Sci; Vol-3, Iss- 2 (Feb, 2020): 37-40
- Button battery ingestion- case report and review IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences 2020;5(3):107–110
- 2 Silver medals by Indian Red cross Society. ‘Bharat Jyoti’ in 2014 and ‘Rajiv Gandhi Excellence award’ in 2015 by India International friendship society, Delhi.
- Presented a paper titled ‘A 15 year retrospective study of medico-legal deaths in Visakhapatnam’ at KUWAIT organized by First international forensic Conference (FIFC)-2017.
- Participated in International Conference of Toxicological and Pharmacology (ICTP) 2018, Toronto Canada with Video presentation titled ‘ Study of poisoning deaths in Visakhapatnam’
- ‘Organ dissection in autopsy’ workshop videos with links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiMwmLOZ55o,
- ‘Organ dissection in autopsy’ workshop videos with linkshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYhycFaTtxc,
- ‘Organ dissection in autopsy’ workshop videos with linkshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wrej885FLg.
- • Life member in Andhra Pradesh Academy of Forensic medicine. • Life member in South India Medico Legal Association. • Life member in Karnataka Medico Legal Society • Life member in Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine.
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