Dr. Rajiv Shah
Orthopedic Surgeon, Vadodara
Orthopedic Surgery
Spine Surgery
- Trauma, Spine & Foot & Ankle
- MBBS from Baroda Medicalcollege,1982-82
- M.S Orthopaedics from Baroda Medical College, 1988
- Spine fellowship,Nice,France
- Foot & Ankle fellowship,Columbus,USA
- Spine fellowship, Seol,South Korea
- Foot & Ankle fellowship, Gijon,Spain
- Spine fellowship,Germany
- Foot & Ankle fellowship, Chicago,USA
Practice Information
Sunshine Global Hospital, Manjalpur
3rd Floor, Near Shreyas Vidhyalaya, Manjalpur, Vadodara, Gujarat - 3900011
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Achievements & Contributions
- District Middle School Scholarship Award
- District Higher School Scholarship Award
- National Talent Search Scholarship Award
- Gold Medal for Highest Marks in Gujarati Subject in the whole State S.S.C. Exams
- Gold Medal by Sri Dabhoi Dasalad Samaj for first in Samaj in Std. X
- Gold Medal by Sri Dabhoi Dasalad Samaj for first in Samaj in Std. XII
- Gold Medal by Sri Dabhoi Dasalad Samaj for first in Samaj in 1st M.B.B.S
- Gold Medal by Sri Dabhoi Dasalad Samaj for first in Samaj in 2nd M.B.B.S
- Honoured by Baroda Municipal Corporation for securing maximum number of Awards at national inter-college festival named“PHOENIX – 82”
- Gold Medal by Sri Dabhoi Dasalad Samaj for first in Samaj in 3rdM.B.B.S.
- Merit Award by M.S. University of Baroda for Best Performer in M.S.(Orthopedics) Exams
- Gold Medal by Sri Dabhoi Dasalad Samaj for first in Samaj in M.S. (Orthopedics)
- “Olympian Honours Award”, awarded for True Olympian Spirit of “Caring For Human Race”, selection of which was done by patients in response to “Heart to Heart” campaign by Cadila Industries
- Vikas Ratna Award by International Friendship Society of India – 1995
- Paper presentation: "Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery" at Annual meeting of Baroda Orthopedic Association
- Paper presentation: "Enders Nailing in Complex Trauma" at Annual Conference of Gujarat Orthopedic Association
- Paper presentation: "Early results of modified Chevron's osteotomy" at Annual Conference of Gujarat Orthopedic Association
- 'Indian foot & ankle scenario': international perspective as guest writer in journal Foot & ankle specialist
- Contributed four articles as a guest writer for Indian journal of foot & ankle surgery
- Publication in international journal, World clinics of orthopaedics titled 'Lateral extensile versus sinus tarsi approach for fixation ofcalcaneus fractures'
- Reviewer for Indian Journal of orthopaedics
- Reviewer for Indian Journal of foot & ankle surgery
- Reviewer for journal of West Bengal Orthopaedic Association
- 'Economical foot & ankle set up for under developed countries': Publication in Asia Pacific Journal of Foot & Ankle surgery
- Publications in magazines: Medicus, Samwaad, Emester, EMS, Strategy & Kankavati
- More than 300 presentations & orations as invited guest speakers at national & international conferences
- Conducted many workshops in various part of country in the subject of foot & ankle orthopaedics
- Conducted more than 25 Back & Neck Schools
- Plantar heel pain: Chapter18,Foot & ankle: Selene parekh
- Interpretation of Imaging and Preoperative Management : Chapter 5, Calcaneus: Mandeep Dhillon
- Malunion Calcaneus Understanding it, Classification and treatment Planning : Chapter 17, Calcaneus: Mandeep Dhillon
- Section editor: Chronic foot & ankle disorders, Textbook of Orthopaedics & traumatology: G S Kulkarni ( under print)
- Radiological analysis of foot and ankle injuries: Textbook of Orthopaedics & traumatology: G S Kulkarni (under print)
- Nonunion talus & AVN: chapter 15, Current concepts in malunion & non-union in lower extremity (under print)
- Member, Indian Orthopedic Association.
- Member, Indian Medical Association
- Member, Association of Spine Surgeons of India
- Member, ASAMI, Ind
- Member, Indian Arthroscopy Association.
- Member, Indian Foot Society.
- Member, A.O. Alumni.
- Member, A.O. Spine.
- Member, IGOF.
- Member, POSI.
- Member, Gujarat Orthopedic Association
- Member, Bombay Orthopedic Society
- Member, Gujarat Spine Association
- Member, Baroda Orthopedic Association
- Member, Baroda FPA
- Member, Vadodara Spine Association
- Director, Baroda Healthcare Private Limited
- Managing Trustee, Unity Trust
- Chairman, Unity Medicare Limited
- Chairman, Sterling-Unity Hospital
- Ex-Chairman, EMS, Baroda
- Council Member, EMS, Baroda
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