Dr. Rajesh Modi
Gynecologist, Akola
- Dr. Rajesh Modi is consultant at Akola Endoscopy Centre, Akola
- Day Care Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
- Aquadissection for Lap Myomectomy
- FICMCH - Fellow of Indian College of Maternal & Child Health
- FICOG - Fellow of Indian College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists
- Dip. Endoscopy (France), Dip Pelvic Endo. (Germany)
- Diploma in Gynaecological Endoscopy from European University Universite d’ Auvergne, France
- Diploma in Pelvic Endoscopy from Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany (JGES)
Practice Information
Akola Endoscopy Centre, Akola
Alsi Plot, Near NCC Office, Murtizapur Road, Akola, Maharashtra - 444001
Achievements & Contributions
- 6th National Congress on ‘Complications in Gyn. Endoscopy’ Nagpur, September 2012
- ‘Hysterectomy Made Easy’ National Workshop Hyderabad, February 2012
- 5th National Congress on ‘Day Care Gynaecological Endoscopy’ Akola, September 2010
- 4th National Congress on ‘Day Care Gynaecological Endoscopy’ Akola, September 2009
- 3rd National Tutorial on ‘Hysterectomy Made Easy’ Akola, August 2008
- CME ‘Update on Contraception & Abortions’ Akola, January 2008
- 2nd National Congress on ‘Hysterectomy Made Easy’ Nagpur, August 2007
- Workshop & CME ‘Conflicts In Infertility’ Akola, January 2007
- 1st National Congress on ‘Hysterectomy Made Easy’ Akola, August 2006
- ESGE Annual Congress Sep. 2012, ‘Complications in Gynaecological Endoscopy’ in Paris
- AOFOG Regional workshop Aug. 2012,‘Aquadissection for bloodless myomectomy'‘Day Care Hysterectomy’ in Singapore
- ESGE Annual Congress Oct. 2011, ‘Aquadissection for bloodless myomectomy’ in London
- KSGE & ICMAS Workshop on Day Care Hysterectomy Nov 2011 in Kenia
- SAFOG Annual Congress April 2011, Laparoscopic Hysterectomy : Tips & tricks, Colombo (Sri Lanka)
- 6th Singapore Congress in Obs/Gyn. 2007, ‘Day Care Hysterectomy’ ‘Hysterectomy for Large Uteri / Adhesions’ in Singapore
- 15th Annual Congress ESGE, Strasbourg 2006, ‘Day Care Laparoscopic Hysterectomy’‘Skeletonisation of the Uterines in Hysterectomy’ in France
- Chairman FOGSI Endoscopy Committee 2012/2014
- Hon Secretary IAGE Managing Committee 2011/2013
- Treasurer IAGE Managing Committee 2007/08
- Secretary - IMA Akola branch 2007-08
- Secretary - Akola Obstetrics & Gynaecological Society , 2003, 2010
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